

单词 connection



C0575500 (kə-nĕk′shən)n.1. a. The act of connecting.b. The state of being connected.2. One that connects; a link: made a connection between the two pipes.3. An association or relationship: an obvious connection between the two crimes.4. The logical or intelligible ordering of words or ideas; coherence.5. Reference or relation to something else; context: In this connection, the agreement can be seen as a step toward peace.6. A person, especially one of influence or importance, with whom one is associated, as by kinship or common interests: used her connections to land a job.7. A conveyance or scheduled run providing continuing service between means of transportation: missed my connection in Miami.8. A physical link, such as by wire or fiber-optic cable, between two or more points in a telecommunications system: established a connection to the internet.9. A means or channel of communication: couldn't hear due to the bad phone connection.10. Slang a. A drug dealer.b. A purchase of illegal drugs.Idiom: in connection with In relation to; with respect to; concerning: The mayor's office made no comments in connection with the tax proposal.
con·nec′tion·al adj.


(kəˈnɛkʃən) or


n1. the act or state of connecting; union2. something that connects, joins, or relates; link or bond3. a relationship or association4. logical sequence in thought or expression; coherence5. the relation of a word or phrase to its context: in this connection the word has no political significance. 6. (often plural) an acquaintance, esp one who is influential or has prestige7. a relative, esp if distant and related by marriage8. a. an opportunity to transfer from one train, bus, aircraft, ship, etc, to anotherb. the vehicle, aircraft, etc, scheduled to provide such an opportunity9. (Horse Racing) (plural) NZ the persons owning or controlling a racehorse10. (Electronics) a link, usually a wire or metallic strip, between two components in an electric circuit or system11. (Telecommunications) a communications link between two points, esp by telephone12. (Recreational Drugs) slang a supplier of illegal drugs, such as heroin13. rare sexual intercourse14. (Ecclesiastical Terms) rare a small sect or religious group united by a body of distinct beliefs or practices conˈnectional, conˈnexional adj


(kəˈnɛk ʃən)

n. 1. the act or state of connecting. 2. the state of being connected. 3. anything that connects; link: an electrical connection. 4. association; relationship: no connection with any other firm of the same name. 5. logical association or development; mental association: to make a connection between two events; in connection with your last remark. 6. contextual relation; context, as of a word. 7. Usu., connections. associates, relatives, or friends, esp. considered as having influence or power. 8. the meeting of trains, planes, etc., for transfer of passengers. 9. Often, connections. a transfer by a passenger from one conveyance to another: to miss connections. 10. the conveyance boarded in making connections. 11. a channel of communication. 12. a circle of friends or associates or a member of such a circle. 13. a relative, esp. by marriage or distant blood relationship. 14. a person who sells illegal drugs. 15. a source of supply, esp. for scarce or illegal materials or goods. 16. a group of persons connected as by political or religious ties. 17. sexual intercourse. [1350–1400; Middle English conneccioun, connexioun (< Middle French) < Latin connexiō <connect(ere) to connect] con•nec′tion•al, adj.

Connexion, Connection

 a religious society; a body of persons connected by either political (1767) or religious ties (1753); a circle of clients; a group of fellow worshippers. See also denomination, faction, set.
Noun1.connection - a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it); "there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare"connectedness, connexionrelation - an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts togetherseries - (electronics) connection of components in such a manner that current flows first through one and then through the other; "the voltage divider consisted of a series of fixed resistors"alliance, bond - a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest; "the shifting alliances within a large family"; "their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them"linkage - an associative relationcommunication - a connection allowing access between persons or places; "how many lines of communication can there be among four people?"; "a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms"concatenation - the linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc; "it was caused by an improbable concatenation of circumstances"bridge - something resembling a bridge in form or function; "his letters provided a bridge across the centuries"involvement - a connection of inclusion or containment; "he escaped involvement in the accident"; "there was additional involvement of the liver and spleen"relevance, relevancy - the relation of something to the matter at handrelatedness - a particular manner of connectedness; "the relatedness of all living things"
2.connection - the state of being connected; "the connection between church and state is inescapable"connectedness, linkunification, union - the state of being joined or united or linked; "there is strength in union"contact - the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity; "litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid"concatenation - the state of being linked together as in a chain; union in a linked seriesinterconnectedness, interconnection - a state of being connected reciprocally; "an interconnection between the two buildings"coherence, coherency, cohesion, cohesiveness - the state of cohering or sticking together
3.connection - an instrumentality that connectsconnection - an instrumentality that connects; "he soldered the connection"; "he didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers"connecter, connector, connective, connexionattachment, bond - a connection that fastens things togetherbackbone - the part of a network that connects other networks together; "the backbone is the part of a communication network that carries the heaviest traffic"earth, ground - a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)hitch - a connection between a vehicle and the load that it pullshookup - a device providing a connection between a power source and a user; "some campsites have electrical hookups for trailers"instrumentation, instrumentality - an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some endjumper - a small connector used to make temporary electrical connectionsjunction, conjunction - something that joins or connectsslip ring - connection consisting of a metal ring on a rotating part of a machine; provides a continuous electrical connection through brushes on stationary contactsphone line, subscriber line, telephone circuit, telephone line, line - a telephone connectiontemporary hookup, patch - a connection intended to be used for a limited timecoupling, yoke - a connection (like a clamp or vise) between two things so they move together
4.connection - (usually plural) a person who is influential and to whom you are connected in some way (as by family or friendship); "he has powerful connections"plural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than oneacquaintance, friend - a person with whom you are acquainted; "I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances"; "we are friends of the family"
5.connection - the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination; "conditioning is a form of learning by association"connexion, associationremembering, memory - the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered; "he can do it from memory"; "he enjoyed remembering his father"colligation - the connection of isolated facts by a general hypothesis
6.connection - a connecting shapeconnexion, linkshape, form - the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance; "geometry is the mathematical science of shape"node - a connecting point at which several lines come togetherjoin, articulation, joint, junction, juncture - the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
7.connection - a supplier (especially of narcotics)narcotic - a drug that produces numbness or stupor; often taken for pleasure or to reduce pain; extensive use can lead to addictionprovider, supplier - someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity
8.connection - shifting from one form of transportation to another; "the plane was late and he missed his connection in Atlanta"connexiontransfer, transferral, transportation, conveyance, transport - the act of moving something from one location to another
9.connection - the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)connection - the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication); "the joining of hands around the table"; "there was a connection via the internet"joining, connexionhit - a connection made via the internet to another website; "WordNet gets many hits from users worldwide"interconnection - (computer science) the act of interconnecting (wires or computers or theories etc.)intersection - the act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target's path)bringing close together, approximation - the act of bringing near or bringing together especially the cut edges of tissueconcatenation - the act of linking together as in a series or chainconverging, convergency, convergence - the act of converging (coming closer)coming upon, encounter - a casual meeting with a person or thingarticulation - the act of joining things in such a way that motion is possibleadjunction, junction - an act of joining or adjoining thingsfastening, attachment - the act of fastening things togetherchange of integrity - the act of changing the unity or wholeness of something


noun1. association, relationship, link, relation, bond, correspondence, relevance, tie-in, correlation, interrelation There is no evidence of any connection between BSE and the brain diseases recently confirmed in cats.2. communication, alliance, commerce, attachment, intercourse, liaison, affinity, affiliation, union I no longer have any connection with my ex-husband's family.3. link, coupling, junction, fastening, tie Check radiators for small leaks, especially round pipework connections.4. contact, friend, relation, ally, associate, relative, acquaintance, kin, kindred, kinsman, kith She used her connections to full advantage.5. context, relation, reference, frame of reference 13 men have been questioned in connection with the murder.


noun1. The state of being associated:affiliation, alliance, association, combination, conjunction, cooperation, partnership.2. A point or position at which two or more things are joined:coupling, joint, junction, juncture, seam, union.3. A logical or natural association between two or more things:correlation, interconnection, interdependence, interrelationship, link, linkage, relation, relationship, tie-in.Informal: hookup.4. Something, such as a feeling, thought, or idea, associated in one's mind or imagination with a specific person or thing:association, connotation, suggestion.5. An acquaintance who is in a position to help:contact, source.


(kəˈnekt) verb1. to join or be joined in some way; to tie or fasten or link together. He connected the radio to the mains; This road connects the two farms; a connecting link; This telephone line connects with the President. 連接 连接2. to associate in the mind. People tend to connect money with happiness. 將…與…聯想 由…联想到conˈnection (-ʃən) noun1. something that connects or is connected. a faulty electrical connection. 連接物 连接2. (a) state of being connected or related. My connection with their family is very slight; I wish to talk to you in connection with my daughter's career. 關係 关系3. a useful person whom one can contact, especially in business. his connections in the clothing trade. 人脈 人脉,业务上的客户 4. a train, bus etc to which one changes from another in the course of a journey. As the local train was late, I missed the connection to London. 旅行中途轉乘的交通工具 旅行联运交通工具


  • Is there an internet connection in the room? → 房间里能上网吗?
  • The connection seems very slow → 网速好像很慢哦
  • I've missed my connection → 我误了衔接的班机/火车


in connection with

Regarding; having to do with; concerning. We received an anonymous tip in connection with the ongoing investigation.See also: connection


n. a seller of drugs; someone who is a source for drugs. (Originally drugs.) This connection you keep talking about—is he dependable?

in connection with

In relation to; with respect to; concerning: The mayor's office made no comments in connection with the tax proposal.See also: connection



, connexion1. the persons owning or controlling a racehorse 2. a link, usually a wire or metallic strip, between two components in an electric circuit or system 3. Slang a supplier of illegal drugs, such as heroin 4. Rare a small sect or religious group united by a body of distinct beliefs or practices



a concept in differential geometry associated with the concept of parallel displacement. A connection is a particular type of relation—a comparison relation—between geometric objects associated with distinct points of a given space. A connection is characterized by the geometric properties of transformations of tangent spaces from point to point. For example, what is known as an affine connection is defined by an affine mapping of tangent spaces; here, the geometric objects are compared in terms of their affine properties. By generalizing the concept of an affine connection, we arrive at the concept of a space with a connection with respect to any Lie group (seeTOPOLOGICAL GROUP).


Rashevskii, P. K. Rimanova geometriia i tenzornyi analiz, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1967.
Norden, A. P. Prostranstva affinnoi sviaznosti. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.



the interdependence in the existence of phenomena separated in space and/or time. The concept of connection is one of the most important scientific concepts: human cognition begins with the discovery of persistent, necessary connections, and science is based on the analysis of the connection between cause and effect—the universal interconnection of the phenomena of reality, the existence of which makes possible the laws of science.

In the history of cognition the principle of a universal interconnection among objects and phenomena has been one of the basic principles of dialectics. Until the 20th century, however, the main subject of discussion was not the concept and logical structure of connection itself but the principle of interconnectedness. To some extent, this was because science used a relatively narrow selection of types of connections. The focus was on the division of connections into internal and external, necessary and fortuitous, and essential and inessential.

An important step in the development of the idea of connection is associated with the 19th century. On the basis of the critique of mechanism, which had reduced all connections to mechanical ones, the characteristics of the connections inherent in various forms of the movement of matter were elucidated. The factual basis for this advance was provided by the achievements in chemistry and biology, which proved the profoundly unique character of chemical and biological connections and showed that they are not reducible to the connections of mechanical movement. On a philosophical and methodological level, the problem of connection was formulated in German classical philosophy and was subjected to a detailed analysis from the standpoint of the materialist dialectic by F. Engels and V. I. Lenin. Since then, the principle of the universal interconnection of objects and phenomena has been affirmed as one of the leading principles in the methodology of scientific knowledge.

The development of science in the 20th century has been accompanied by the constant, significant expansion of the typology of connections under study. As a result, the problem of connection is subjected to concrete scientific analysis, as well as philosophical analysis. The analysis of new types of connection has become an extremely important factor in the development of new methodological trends in science. The discovery of information links and control links, both direct-link and feedback types, has led to the emergence of cybernetics. The methodology of structuralism originated as a result of the recognition of the independent role of the structural connections between language and a number of other objects. The systems approach grew out of the necessity of simultaneously taking into account several types of connections.

The diversity of contemporary concepts about connections is reflected in the diversity of approaches to classifying them. From a philosophical and methodological standpoint, the classification of connections in terms of forms of the movement of matter has definitive significance. The differentiation of connections according to the forms of determinism is important. Classical science operated primarily with univocal connections of rigid determinism, but in a number of modern disciplines the study of statistical aggregates depends on connections of probability and correlation.

Connections are also classified according to their strength. When a particular phenomenon is strictly linked with some other phenomenon (body organs, for example), the connection is described as rigid. When the connection between two phenomena in a totality can be established statistically (for example, the connection between individuals in a population), it is described as corpuscular. Connections may be differentiated by the character of the result they yield (the connection of result, when one phenomenon is the direct cause of another, and the connection of transformation), the direction of action (direct-link and feedback), the type of processes defined (function, development, and control connections), or the substratum or content serving as an object (connections maintaining the transfer of matter, energy, or information).

The concept of connection plays an important constructive role in the initial analysis of an object of study, in the methodological justification of a new object of study, and in the process of re-creating this object in an integral theoretical model.


Engels, F. Dialektika prirody. In K. Marx and F. Engels, Sock, 2nd ed., vol.20.
Lenin, V. I. “K voprosu o dialektike.” Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 29.
Zinov’ev, A. A. “K opredeleniiu poniatiia sviazi.” Voprosy filosofii, 1960, no. 8.
Novinskii, I.I. Poniatie sviazi v marksistskoi filosofii. Moscow, 1961.
Shchedrovitskii, G. P. Problemy metodologii sistemnogo issledovaniia. Moscow, 1964.
Blauberg, I. V., and E. G. Iudin. Stanovlenie i sushchnost’ sistemnogo podkhoda. Moscow, 1973.



In steel construction, a combination of joints capable of transmitting forces between two or more members.



(kŏ-nek'shŭn), A union of elements or things; a connecting structure. Synonym(s): connexus


Vox populi A link of one form or another. See Africa connection, AIDS-malaria connection, Cross-connection, Monkey connection, Mosquito connection.


(kŏ-nek'shŭn) A union of elements or things; a connecting structure.
Synonym(s): connexus.

Patient discussion about connection

Q. Is there a connection between Epstein-Barr Virus and Fibromyalgia and where can I find information? I was diagnosed with EBV 10 years ago and got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Depression 5 yrs ago-is there a connection and if so where can I obtain information.If anyone can help-Thank You!A. EBV is a herpes virus. And there are arguments from both sides if it has a connection or not to Fibromyalgia, some articles say that , some say the other. The truth is that for the patient it doesn’t mater. If you have it you have to deal with it and it doesn’t mater how it showed up. This mater to the researches.

Q. Is there any connection between ADD and Autism? I refer to ADD, not ADHDA. there is a theory that ADD and learning disabilities are a "continuum" up to Asperger syndrome and autism. due to similarities in brain function and symptoms. mind you- it's a theory.

Q. Is there any genetic connection with fibromyalgia? My sweet daughter Ancy is 13 years old. She is complaining abdominal pain, morning stiffness and tight muscles. She got her periods when she was 12. I am at a loss to understand whether she complains muscular pain or joint pain as joint pain in teens is very rare and cannot be seen. Of late, she complains leg pain and more particularly muscular pain. She just goes to school and comes back and is not involved in any sport to get this muscular pain. What may be the reason for this muscular pain? My mom had fibromyalgia and suffered a lot with the pain. Now I am scared whether my daughter might be the case of fibromyalgia and more importantly is fibromyalgia possible in teens? Is there any genetic connection with fibromyalgia?A. Yes it is possible. In medical terms it is being called ‘Juvenile Primary Fibromyalgia Syndrome’. It is a syndrome where a person experiences musculoskeletal pain and fatigue as the core symptom. This syndrome is possible in children especially in their teens. Girls are more prone to this syndrome than guys and it is very true that fibromyalgia has genetic connection as more than 75% of patients will have a family history of fibromyalgia. Her symptoms are very much related to JPFS symptoms and you can right away consult a physician who could suggest you Cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT] which is the best treatment for this syndrome. I wish her a speedy recovery.

More discussions about connection


  • noun

Synonyms for connection

noun association


  • association
  • relationship
  • link
  • relation
  • bond
  • correspondence
  • relevance
  • tie-in
  • correlation
  • interrelation

noun communication


  • communication
  • alliance
  • commerce
  • attachment
  • intercourse
  • liaison
  • affinity
  • affiliation
  • union

noun link


  • link
  • coupling
  • junction
  • fastening
  • tie

noun contact


  • contact
  • friend
  • relation
  • ally
  • associate
  • relative
  • acquaintance
  • kin
  • kindred
  • kinsman
  • kith

noun context


  • context
  • relation
  • reference
  • frame of reference

Synonyms for connection

noun the state of being associated


  • affiliation
  • alliance
  • association
  • combination
  • conjunction
  • cooperation
  • partnership

noun a point or position at which two or more things are joined


  • coupling
  • joint
  • junction
  • juncture
  • seam
  • union

noun a logical or natural association between two or more things


  • correlation
  • interconnection
  • interdependence
  • interrelationship
  • link
  • linkage
  • relation
  • relationship
  • tie-in
  • hookup

noun something, such as a feeling, thought, or idea, associated in one's mind or imagination with a specific person or thing


  • association
  • connotation
  • suggestion

noun an acquaintance who is in a position to help


  • contact
  • source

Synonyms for connection

noun a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it)


  • connectedness
  • connexion

Related Words

  • relation
  • series
  • alliance
  • bond
  • linkage
  • communication
  • concatenation
  • bridge
  • involvement
  • relevance
  • relevancy
  • relatedness

noun the state of being connected


  • connectedness
  • link

Related Words

  • unification
  • union
  • contact
  • concatenation
  • interconnectedness
  • interconnection
  • coherence
  • coherency
  • cohesion
  • cohesiveness

noun an instrumentality that connects


  • connecter
  • connector
  • connective
  • connexion

Related Words

  • attachment
  • bond
  • backbone
  • earth
  • ground
  • hitch
  • hookup
  • instrumentation
  • instrumentality
  • jumper
  • junction
  • conjunction
  • slip ring
  • phone line
  • subscriber line
  • telephone circuit
  • telephone line
  • line
  • temporary hookup
  • patch
  • coupling
  • yoke

noun (usually plural) a person who is influential and to whom you are connected in some way (as by family or friendship)

Related Words

  • plural
  • plural form
  • acquaintance
  • friend

noun the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination


  • connexion
  • association

Related Words

  • remembering
  • memory
  • colligation

noun a connecting shape


  • connexion
  • link

Related Words

  • shape
  • form
  • node
  • join
  • articulation
  • joint
  • junction
  • juncture

noun a supplier (especially of narcotics)

Related Words

  • narcotic
  • provider
  • supplier

noun shifting from one form of transportation to another


  • connexion

Related Words

  • transfer
  • transferral
  • transportation
  • conveyance
  • transport

noun the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)


  • joining
  • connexion

Related Words

  • hit
  • interconnection
  • intersection
  • bringing close together
  • approximation
  • concatenation
  • converging
  • convergency
  • convergence
  • coming upon
  • encounter
  • articulation
  • adjunction
  • junction
  • fastening
  • attachment
  • change of integrity




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