Acronym | Definition |
BSR➣Business for Social Responsibility |
BSR➣Broken Skull Ranch (Texas) |
BSR➣Bootstrap Router (networking) |
BSR➣Basin Street Records (New Orleans, LA) |
BSR➣Bâtiment de Soutien de Région (French: Regional Support Vessel) |
BSR➣Bonsoir (French) |
BSR➣Bachelor of Sport and Recreation (degree; New Zealand) |
BSR➣Base Station Repeater (telecommunications) |
BSR➣British Society for Rheumatology |
BSR➣Base Station Router (telecommunications) |
BSR➣Baltic Sea Region |
BSR➣Boy Scout Rule (programming) |
BSR➣Bluetooth Sata Raid |
BSR➣Branch to Subroutine |
BSR➣Brevet de Sécurité Routière (French) |
BSR➣Bottom-Simulating Reflector (Geophysics) |
BSR➣Berliner Stadtreinigung (German: Berlin Sanitation; Germany) |
BSR➣Basic Scientific Research (India) |
BSR➣Board of Standards Review (ANSI term) |
BSR➣Bit Scan Reverse |
BSR➣Big Sandy Rancheria (Bureau of Indian Affairs; California) |
BSR➣Base Structure Report (US DoD) |
BSR➣British Society of Rheology |
BSR➣Bitume Slot Racing (France) |
BSR➣Boundary Scan Register |
BSR➣Business Service Request |
BSR➣Balance Sheet Rate (finance) |
BSR➣Beneficiary Service Representative (US DoD) |
BSR➣Basic Semantic Repository |
BSR➣Behavioral and Social Research |
BSR➣Business Secure Router (computing) |
BSR➣Business Strategy Review |
BSR➣Blue Sky Research (Milpitas, CA) |
BSR➣Buzz, Squeak and Rattle (automotive) |
BSR➣Blood Sedimentation Rate |
BSR➣Best Service Routing |
BSR➣Black Squirrel Radio (Kent State University) |
BSR➣Broad Street Run (10-mile race; Philadelphia, PA) |
BSR➣Brigade Spéciale de Recherche (French: Special Research Brigade; Belgium) |
BSR➣Business Service Representative |
BSR➣Basal Skin Resistance |
BSR➣Bulk Shielding Reactor |
BSR➣Basic Statistical Return (finance) |
BSR➣Guine Bissau Airlines (ICAO code) |
BSR➣Biotech Stock Research, LLC (independent research firm) |
BSR➣Blind Sheer Ram (petroleum industry) |
BSR➣Bankers' Selling Rate (airlines) |
BSR➣Biomasse du Stock Reproducteur (French: spawning-stock biomass, fisheries) |
BSR➣Baltic Ship Repairers (Estonia; now BLRT) |
BSR➣Birmingham Sound Reproducers (British stereo equipment manufacturer) |
BSR➣Brainstem-Evoked Response |
BSR➣Business Sales Representative |
BSR➣Back Surface Reflection |
BSR➣bending strength ratio (ratio of box member strength to pin member strength) |
BSR➣Basic System Release |
BSR➣Bite Status Register (NASA) |
BSR➣Bretagne Soubassement Réseaux (French: Brittany Bedrock Networks; Brittany, France) |
BSR➣Byte Status Register |
BSR➣Back Scatter Ratio |
BSR➣Banking Service Representative |
BSR➣Base Spares Report |
BSR➣Biweekly Schedules Reviews |
BSR➣Base Support Radio |
BSR➣Business Strategy Report |
BSR➣Barker Sequence Repetition |
BSR➣Block Shear Rupture |
BSR➣Bit Slippage Rate |
BSR➣Bulbar Synchronizing Region |
BSR➣Business System Requirement |
BSR➣Beavon Sulfur Removal |
BSR➣Broadcast Seeded Rice |
BSR➣Basra Iraq International Airport (airport code) |
BSR➣Budget System of Record |
BSR➣Buffered Sense Return |
BSR➣Balkan Society of Radiology |
BSR➣Barrett Sniper Rifle (US Army) |
BSR➣Burster Size Reduction (hazardous waste, machine to cut projectile bursters prior to incineration) |