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dechlorination (diːˌklɔːrɪˈneɪʃən) n1. (Chemistry) the removal of chlorine from a substance2. chem the extraction of atoms of chlorine from a chemical compounddechlorination
dechlorination[dē‚klȯr·ə′nā·shən] (chemistry) Removal of chlorine from a substance. dechlorination
de·chlo·ri·da·tion (dē-klō'ri-dā'shŭn), Reduction of sodium chloride in the tissues and fluids of the body by reducing its intake or increasing its excretion. Synonym(s): dechlorination, dechlorurationdechlorination (dē-klōr″ĭ-nā′shŏn) [″ + Gr. chloros, green] Reduction in the amount of chlorides in the body by reduction of or withdrawal of salt in the diet.AcronymsSeeDCI |