Acronym | Definition |
BSN➣Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
BSN➣Body Sensor Networks |
BSN➣Boston (Massachusetts) |
BSN➣Broadcasting System of Niigata (Japan) |
BSN➣Badan Standardisasi Nasional (National Standardization Agency, Indonesia) |
BSN➣Bassoon |
BSN➣Breaking Social Norms (project) |
BSN➣Broadband Service Node |
BSN➣Backward Sequence Number |
BSN➣Bosch Smoke Number |
BSN➣Bank Simpanan Nasional (Malaysia) |
BSN➣Backward Sequence Number (SS7 MTP Layer 2) |
BSN➣Bureau du Service National (French: Office of National Service) |
BSN➣Boussois-Souchon-Neuvesel (French glass manufacturer) |
BSN➣Breastfeeding Support Network (various locations) |
BSN➣Brand Spanking New |
BSN➣British School in the Netherlands |
BSN➣Broadband Service Node (IP Networking) |
BSN➣Business Service Network (United States Postal Service) |
BSN➣Business Solutions Networking |
BSN➣Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition |
BSN➣Block Sequence Number |
BSN➣Bureau de la Sécurité Nautique (French: Bureau of Boating Safety; Canada) |
BSN➣Brigade Subscriber Node (Army) |
BSN➣British Society for Neuroendocrinology |
BSN➣Board Serial Number |
BSN➣Block Shift Network |
BSN➣Bowel Sounds Normal |
BSN➣Batch Sequence Number |
BSN➣Beiersdorf, Smith and Nephew (Medical) |
BSN➣Britney Spears Now (fan website) |
BSN➣Battle Space Networking |
BSN➣BPX Service Node (Cisco) |
BSN➣Bearer Subnetwork |
BSN➣Back-End Storage Network |