

单词 bsi



abbr. British Standards Institution


abbreviation for British Standards Institution



British Standards Institute


1. Abbr. for British Standards Institution. 2. Abbr. for “Building Stone Institute.”


(Blind Spot Information) See blind spot monitoring.



Abbreviation for:
behaviour status inventory
Behavioural Science Institute
bloodstream infection
body substance isolation
bound serum iron
Brief Symptom Inventory Psychology
British Society for Immunology (Medspeak-UK)
British Standards Institute (Medspeak-UK)


(i?so-la'shon) 1. Solitude, or the psychological discomfort that accompanies it. See: loneliness2. The physical separation of those with certain infections (such as anthrax or tuberculosis) from other people to prevent or limit the transmission of disease. In contrast, quarantine applies to restriction on healthy contacts of an infectious agent. incubation for table; infectious isolation; protective isolation; quarantine;

Patient care

Standard precautions are used to care for all patients to prevent nosocomial infections and apply to contact with blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions (except sweat), nonintact skin, and mucous membranes. Transmission-based precautions (second-tier precautions) are used for patients known to be or suspected of being infected with a highly transmissible infection. The rules to be followed for achieving isolation are based on the mode of transmission of the particular organism: airborne, droplet, and contact. Thus, if the organism is spread by droplet (such as tuberculosis), then all items that come in contact with the patient's upper respiratory tract are isolated and destroyed or disinfected. Those in contact with the patient are also protected from droplet transmission by wearing protective barriers such as special masks (and, if necessary, gowns, caps, boots, and gloves), by careful and thorough hand hygiene, and by keeping the hands away from the nose and mouth to prevent transmission of infections. Most agencies use disposable equipment as much as possible in the care of an isolated patient. Contaminated disposables are double-bagged for safe disposal, usually by incineration. Contaminated linens and other nondisposable equipment are also double-bagged and marked “isolation, ” so that they will be properly decontaminated or disinfected on receipt by the laundry or supply service. Laboratory specimens also are double-bagged and marked with the particular type of isolation, so that personnel handle them appropriately. CDC recommendations and institutional procedure are followed for the specific type of isolation that is in effect. The purpose of the isolation precautions is explained to the patient and family to decrease their fears and to increase their cooperation, and the family and other visitors are taught how to use and discard the required barriers and esp. how to thoroughly cleanse their hands. When an at-risk patient (such as an immunosuppressed patient) requires protection from others (reverse isolation), equipment brought to the patient's room is disposable or sterilized, and human contacts wear barriers that must be clean or sterile depending on the circumstances and protocol. After use, these items are handled in the agency's usual manner, with no special care necessary beyond those specified for the care of every patient.

3. The identification of a cell, a chemical, or a microorganism in purified form.

airborne isolation

Any of the techniques used in addition to standard precautions to decrease transmission of infectious agents less than 5 µ in size or those attached to dust particles. Synonym: airborne precaution

Patient care

Patients are placed in a private room, preferably one with negative air pressure and between 6 and 12 changes of air each hour. Hospital workers should wear respirator masks when in the room. If transport is necessary, the patient should wear a surgical mask. Patients with diseases such as active tuberculosis, SARS, varicella, and measles are placed on airborne precautions.

body substance isolation

Abbreviation: BSI
A method of infection control that assumes all body fluids are potentially infectious and that an effective task-specific barrier must always be placed between the medical provider and the patient.

contact isolation

Any of the techniques used in addition to standard precautions that decrease the likelihood of infection by microorganisms transmitted through direct or indirect contact with the patient or patient care items, e.g., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile. Patients placed on contact isolation should preferably have a private room, but patients may be placed with others infected with the same organism (patient cohort). Hospital workers must wear gloves when entering the room for any reason and gowns if close patient contact is required, e.g., when bathing or turning the patient or caring for wounds. Masks and eye shields are required only if there is a potential for splash or splatter of body fluids onto the face. Stethoscopes and other noncritical patient care equipment should be dedicated to single-patient or patient-cohort use. Synonym: contact precaution

Patient care

Patients with diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile, hepatitis A, rotavirus, or multidrug-resistant organisms, with wounds infected with vancomycin-resistant enterococcus, or children infected with respiratory syncytial or parainfluenza virus should be placed on contact precautions. Infection with some viruses, such as varicella or adenovirus, require droplet or airborne precautions in addition to contact precautions. Caregivers should remove gloves and gown before leaving the patient’s room, avoid contact with potentially contaminated items or environmental surfaces, and wash hands immediately with an antimicrobial agent or waterless antiseptic agent after touching patients placed on contact isolation status.

denial and isolation

See: denial and isolation

droplet isolation

Any of the techniques that decrease transmission of organisms larger than 5 µ that are generated when an infected patient coughs, sneezes, or spits. Synonym: droplet precaution

infectious isolation

An isolation technique that protects both health care personnel and patients from anyone who has or is suspected of having an infectious disease.

protective isolation

Isolation in which a vulnerable patient is protected from potentially harmful microorganisms in the environment. This is particularly important in caring for immunodeficient patients, e.g., those who have received chemotherapy or organ transplants. Synonym: reverse isolation

reverse isolation

Protective isolation.

social isolation

Isolation felt by a person and perceived as a negative or threatening state imposed by others.

body substance isolation

Abbreviation: BSI
A method of infection control that assumes all body fluids are potentially infectious and that an effective task-specific barrier must always be placed between the medical provider and the patient.See also: isolation
FinancialSeeBritish Standards Institution


BSIBritish Standards Institution
BSIBritish Standards Institute (less common)
BSIBundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (German: Federal Office for Security)
BSIBlue Square-Israel Ltd
BSIBackside Illumination (optical detector technology)
BSIBrain Science Institute (Japan)
BSIBuild Security In (Strategic Initiatives Branch of DHS National Cyber Security Division)
BSIBlue Star Infotech (Santa Clara, CA)
BSIBloodstream Infection
BSIBrief Symptom Inventory
BSIBasic Skills Initiative (various schools)
BSIBlind Spot Information System (vehicle safety)
BSIBit Stream Information
BSIBoot Sector Infector
BSIBritish Standards Institute
BSIBusiness Service Interface
BSIBig Sky Institute (Montana State University)
BSIBranding Strategy Insider (blog)
BSIBanca della Svizzera Italiana
BSIBalanced Scorecard Institute (Cary, NC)
BSIBody Substance Isolation (transmittable disease protection)
BSIBritish Society for Immunology
BSIBoreal Songbird Initiative
BSIBattery Status Indicator (electronics)
BSIBaker Street Irregulars
BSIBody Shop International (Brighton, UK)
BSIBotanical Survey of India
BSIBiospherical Instruments Inc. (est. 1977)
BSIBromeliad Society International
BSIBusiness Survey Index (South Korea)
BSIBalance Sheet Item (finance)
BSIBob Smith Industries
BSIBritish Solomon Islands (UK)
BSIBoitier de Servitude Intelligent (French: Intelligent Servitude Package)
BSIBuilding Stone Institute (New York, New York)
BSIBureau of Special Investigations
BSIBiological Sciences Institute (various locations)
BSIBloody Sunday Inquiry (UK)
BSIBroadband Solutions, Inc. (Seoul, South Korea)
BSIBandar Seri Iskandar (Malaysia)
BSIBehavioral Science Institute
BSIBenefit Services, Inc.
BSIBlack Sheep Inn (various locations)
BSIBroadcast Software International
BSIBioSciences Institute (Ireland, UK)
BSIBeschäftigung Schaffende Infrastrukturförderung (German: Employment Generating Infrastructure Funding)
BSIBrand Science Institute
BSIBrilliance Semiconductor, Inc.
BSIBusiness Software, Inc.
BSIBina Sarana Informatika
BSIBroderbund Software, Inc. (Novato, CA)
BSIBusiness Strategies International
BSIBusiness Sentiment Index (Indonesia)
BSIBronzeville Scholastic Institute (Chicago, IL)
BSIBecancour Silicon, Inc. (Canada)
BSIBiological Sciences Initiative
BSIBrain SPECT Imaging (nuclear medicine study)
BSIBibliothèque des Sciences et de l'Industrie (French: Library of Science and Industry)
BSIBase Support Installation
BSIBioinformatics Summer Institute (University of Minnesota)
BSIBioinformatics Solutions, Inc. (Waterloo, Canada)
BSIBadger State Industries (Madison, WI)
BSIBuilt-In Systems Interface (automotive)
BSIBrewer Science, Inc.
BSIBuilding Service, Inc. (Milwaukee, WI)
BSIBankruptcy Services, LLC
BSIBaltic Sea Initiative
BSIBaltic Scientific Instruments (Riga, Latvia)
BSIBasic Services Interface
BSIBureau of School Improvement (Florida)
BSIBooking Services International (Europe)
BSIBridge Software Institute (University of Florida)
BSIBlood System Infection
BSIBorescope Inspection (gas turbine)
BSIBilling Solutions, Inc.
BSIBoeing Services International
BSIBiophotonic Solutions, Inc.
BSIBerkshire Securities, Inc. (Canada)
BSIBergensstudentenes Idrettslag (Norwegian: Students in Bergen's Sportsclub)
BSIBuilding Science Insight
BSIBritish Suzuki Institute (UK)
BSIBodyguard Services International Ltd (UK)
BSIBusiness Solution Integration (Hitachi)
BSIBiotechnical Services, Inc.
BSIBusiness Strategy, Inc.
BSIBraggstar S-Industrial (Coherent, Inc laser)
BSIBroadcast Services, Inc.
BSIBiological Specimen Inventory System (Information Management Services, Inc.)
BSIBankruptcy Services, Inc.
BSIBilan Social Individualisé (French: Individual Social Assessment)
BSIBase Station Interface
BSIBollinger Shipyards, Inc (Lockport, Louisiana)
BSIButton Systems, Inc. (Castleton, VT)
BSIBusiness Systems International Ltd (UK)
BSIBiodiversity Surveys and Inventories (Smithsonian Institution program)
BSIBlue Sky Institute (West Jordan, UT)
BSIBible Society in Israel (Jerusalem, Israel)
BSIBasic Shipping Instructions
BSIBuilding Standards Institute
BSIBrain Symmetry Index
BSIBiothane Systems International BV (Netherlands)
BSIBi-Search International, Inc.
BSIBacterial Strain-Identification
BSIBattlefield Systems Institute
BSIBusiness Strategies and Insight
BSIBesançon Sécurité Incendie (French: Besançon Fire Safety; Besançon, France)
BSIBegin Segment Introducer
BSIBusiness Support Incubator
BSIBusiness System Implementation (various organizations)
BSIBasic Safety Insulation
BSIBattlefield Systems Integration
BSIBusiness Standards Institution (UK)
BSIBarthélémy Sécurité Incendie (French fire safety services company)
BSIBasic Store Inventory
BSIBlue Star Interactive LLC
BSIBusiness Synergetics International LLC
BSIBranch and Store Instruction Address Register (CPU instruction)
BSIBuilding Systems Institute
BSIBall Semiconductor Incorporated
BSIBUES/SvSig Interface
BSIBalance System, Inc. (Seattle, WA)
BSIBusiness Service Identity
BSIBureau des Services Infirmiers (French: Office of Nursing Services; various locations)
BSIBlanchier Solutions d'Impression (French printing company)




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