Bennett Spring State Park
Bennett Spring State Park
Location:12 miles west of Lebanon on Highway 64 in Dallas and Laclede counties.
Facilities:15 basic campsites, 128 electric campsites, 46 campsites with fullhookups, showers, special usearea, 3 cabins, 40 duplex/fourplex units, 22 motel rooms, picnic sites,2 picnic shelters, dining lodge, hiking trails, swimming pool, canoeand raft rentals, nature center.
Activities:Camping, canoeing, rafting, trout fishing, swimming, hiking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Nearly 100 million gallons of water gush daily from Bennett Spring, Missouri's third largest spring.
Address:26250 Hwy 64A
Lebanon, MO 65536
Size: 3,217 acres.
See other parks in Missouri.
See leukemia