Bennett fracture

Ben·nett frac·ture

(ben'ĕt), fracture dislocation of the first metacarpal bone at the carpal-metacarpal joint.

Bennett fracture

An intra-articular fracture/dislocation of the ulnar aspect of thumb/1st metacarpal that extends into the carpometacarpal joint, in which a small fragment of the metacarpal bone stays articulated with the trapezium.
Striking a hard object with closed fist, forced thumb abduction—e.g., fall on the thumb, as occurs in a bike fall.
Precise reduction of fracture.
Oosteoarthritis, pseudoarthrosis.
Post-traumatic osteoarthritis is the norm if the fracture is allowed to heal in the displaced position.

Bennett fracture

Orthopedics An intraarticular fracture/dislocation of the ulnar aspect of thumb/1st metacarpal, in which a small fragment of the metacarpal continues to articulate with the trapezium Mechanism Forced thumb abduction Complications Pseudoarthrosis Prognosis Better than Rolando fracture. See Fracture. Cf Rolando fracture.

Ben·nett frac·ture

(ben'ĕt frak'shŭr) Dislocation and break of the first metacarpal bone at the carpal-metacarpal joint.


Edward H., Irish surgeon, 1837-1907. Bennett fracture - fracture dislocation of the first metacarpal bone at the carpometacarpal joint.Bennett lesionBennett nail biopsyBennett posterior shoulder approachBennett retractor