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false ankylosis
false ankylosis n (Pathology) a nontechnical name for pseudoarthrosis EncyclopediaSeeankylosisfalse ankylosis
ankylosis [ang″kĭ-lo´sis] (pl. ankylo´ses) (Gr.) immobility and consolidation of a joint due to disease, injury, or surgical procedure. adj., adj ankylot´ic. Ankylosis may be caused by destruction of the membranes that line the joint or by faulty bone structure. It is most often a result of chronic rheumatoid arthritis, in which the affected joint tends to assume the least painful position and may become more or less permanently fixed in it. Other causes include infection and traumatic injury to the joint. Artificial ankylosis (arthrodesis), fusion of a joint by surgical operation, is sometimes done to ameliorate the pain experienced in a severe joint condition.bony ankylosis union of the bones of a joint by loss of articular cartilage, resulting in complete immobility.extracapsular ankylosis that caused by rigidity of surrounding parts.false ankylosis (fibrous ankylosis) reduced joint mobility due to proliferation of fibrous tissue.intracapsular ankylosis that caused by rigidity of structures within the joint.spurious ankylosis extracapsular ankylosis.stapedial ankylosis fixation of the footplate of the stapes in otosclerosis, causing conductive hearing loss.true ankylosis bony ankylosis.fi·brous an·ky·lo·sisstiffening of a joint due to the presence of fibrous bands between and about the bones forming the joint. Synonym(s): false ankylosis, pseudankylosis, pseudoankylosisfi·brous an·ky·lo·sis (fī'brŭs ang'ki-lō'sis) Stiffening of a joint due to the presence of fibrous bands between and about the bones forming the joint. Synonym(s): false ankylosis, pseudankylosis. fi·brous an·ky·lo·sis (fī'brŭs ang'ki-lō'sis) Stiffening of a joint due to the presence of fibrous bands between and about the bones forming the joint. Synonym(s): false ankylosis, pseudankylosis. |