clinical directorate

clinical directorate

A team of healthcare professionals within a specialty, or group of specialties, which is responsible for the provision of patient care within allocated resources. A clinical directorate is usually led by a clinician and is accountable for its management function to the board of management of the trust, unit or division to which it belongs. The patients' clinical care is the responsibility of the clinician in charge. Clinical directorates are functional, service-oriented divisions of a particular NHS trust, and co-managed by a medical doctor (the clinical director, e.g., paediatrician for the clinical directorate of women and children), and a non-doctor designated as a general manager or assistant director of operations. They are supported in their duties by clinical, general, finance and human resource managers. Clinical directorates (CDs) are responsible for managing medical and other staff, delivering performance targets and achieving agreed financial objectives. CDs answer to the director of operations and are subdivided into clinical management groups.
Clinical directorates, BCF Trust, London
Medicine & Emergency
Surgery & Anaesthesia
Women & Children
Diagnostics, Therapies and Cancer