

单词 clinical depression

clinical depression

clinical depression

n. See depression.
Noun1.clinical depression - a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical interventiondepressive disorder, depressionaffective disorder, emotional disorder, emotional disturbance, major affective disorder - any mental disorder not caused by detectable organic abnormalities of the brain and in which a major disturbance of emotions is predominantagitated depression - a state of clinical depression in which the person exhibits irritability and restlessnessanaclitic depression - severe and progressive depression in infants who lose their mother and do not get a suitable substitutedysthymia, dysthymic depression - mild chronic depression; "I thought she had just been in a bad mood for thirty years, but the doctor called it dysthymia"endogenous depression - a state of depression for which there is no apparent precipitating causeexogenous depression, reactive depression - an inappropriate state of depression that is precipitated by events in the person's life (to be distinguished from normal grief)major depressive episode - (psychiatry) a state of depression with all the classic symptoms (anhedonia and lethargy and sleep disturbance and despondency and morbid thoughts and feelings of worthlessness and sometimes attempted suicide) but with no known organic dysfunctionneurotic depression - a term used for any state of depression that is not psychoticpsychotic depression - a state of depression so severe that the person loses contact with reality and suffers a variety of functional impairmentsretarded depression - a state of clinical depression in which the individual is lethargic and slow to initiate action

clinical depression

ma·jor de·pres·sion

a mental disorder characterized by sustained depression of mood, anhedonia, sleep and appetite disturbances, and feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and hopelessness. Diagnostic criteria for a major depressive episode (DSM-IV) include a depressed mood, a marked reduction of interest or pleasure in virtually all activities, or both, lasting for at least 2 weeks. In addition, 3 or more of the following must be present: gain or loss of weight, increased or decreased sleep, increased or decreased level of psychomotor activity, fatigue, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, diminished ability to concentrate, and recurring thoughts of death or suicide. See: endogenous depression, exogenous depression, bipolar disorder. Synonym(s): clinical depression, major depressive disorder (1)

Major depression is the most common psychiatric disorder. According to the World Health Organization, it is the leading cause of disability worldwide among people aged 5 years and older. About 10% of men and 25% of women experience major depression at some time in their lives. Approximately 20 million people a year suffer depressive illness in the U.S., where the negative impact of this disease on the economy is estimated at $16 billion annually. Risk factors for depression are drug or alcohol abuse, chronic physical illness, stressful life events, social isolation, a history of physical or sexual abuse, and a family history of depressive illness. Depression can be masked by substance abuse. In old people, it may be mistaken for senile dementia, and vice versa; the two may coexist. The disorder is believed to result from an electrochemical malfunction of the limbic system involving disturbances in the metabolism of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. In people with familial depression, the number of glial cells in the subgenual prefrontal cortex is significantly smaller than in mentally healthy people. Treatment with psychopharmaceutical agents, including tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, and others, effectively controls most cases of clinical depression. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy has demonstrated some success in reversing depression. Refined methods of electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT) are used in cases that do not respond to other treatment. Even in severe depression the response rate with ECT is 80% or higher. This mode of therapy has a faster onset of action, causes fewer side effects than drug therapy, and is particularly useful in elderly patients.

clinical depression

n. See depression.

major depression

A mental disorder characterised by severe depression lasting essentially without remission for at least two weeks, with symptoms that interfere with the ability to work, sleep, eat and enjoy once-pleasurable activities.
Clinical findings
Feelings of guilt, hopelessness, all-encompassing low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, persistent thoughts of death or suicide; difficulties in concentration, memory and decision-making capacity, behaviour (changes in sleep patterns, appetite, weight), physical well-being; persistent symptoms (e.g., headaches or digestive disorders) that do not respond to treatment; disabling episodic major depression can occur several times in a lifetime.

clinical depression

Psychiatry Persistent sadness or loss of interest in activities for ≥ 2 wks in absence of external precipitants DiffDx Grief, bereavement Clinical Changed eating habits, insomnia, early morning wakening, ↓ interest in normal activities, depressed mood, fatigue, suicidal ideation. Cf Bereavement.

Patient discussion about clinical depression

Q. I want to know what causes clinical depression? My friend is diagnosed with clinical depression. He is showing signs for the past six months. We found this when he lost interest in music which was his soul before. He lost interest in all other activities including hang out with us. We were wondering what could be the reason for the drastic change in his behavior. Very recently he stopped attending school also. We have tried to contact him but in vain. Then we got to know from his brother that he feels very low and depressed and is diagnosed with clinical depression? I want to know what causes clinical depression?A. Any neurotransmitters imbalance in the brain can cause the mood to go down. This makes the person depressed. This can happen due to genetic impact. The social or financial difficulty can cause the disturbances in neurotransmitters, which causes depression in a person. Try to know from him whether he has any history of failures which he is hiding within him. Try to know the exact cause of depression. Depression, if left unattended, could develop in to Bipolar Disorder.

Q. What's the difference between clinical depression that needs treating, and just regularly being depressed? I'm often depressed, and i just wondered what the difference is between just being depressed, and clinical?At what point does depression become depression?A. It depends on the duration of the episodes, the frequency and severity. Even psychiatrists have trouble to pinpoint it. They often disagree on the “borderly” cases, here is some info on the diagnose of depression:

Q. What's the difference between the depressions of the bipolar disorder and clinical depression? How can I differentiate between the two? ThanksA. When it persists past several major bouts, it is then called "chronic" and yes, from one who has it, it can go on for many years. You keep hoping that it won't come back but it hits you and you never seem to know why. After many good days, you think its gone and life will be good again and you get hope for getting off the medicine, and then out of no where, whamm, bamm and it knocks you down again, sometimes really down there with your face in the dirt. I just keep taking my medicine, pray alot, and stay away from stressful things.

More discussions about clinical depression

clinical depression

Related to clinical depression: bipolar disorder, manic depression
  • noun

Synonyms for clinical depression

noun a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention


  • depressive disorder
  • depression

Related Words

  • affective disorder
  • emotional disorder
  • emotional disturbance
  • major affective disorder
  • agitated depression
  • anaclitic depression
  • dysthymia
  • dysthymic depression
  • endogenous depression
  • exogenous depression
  • reactive depression
  • major depressive episode
  • neurotic depression
  • psychotic depression
  • retarded depression




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