

单词 bsf



abbreviation for (General Engineering) British Standard fine thread


BSFBorder Security Force (India)
BSFBuilding Schools for the Future (UK Government education initiative)
BSFBolivares Fuertes (Venezuelan currency)
BSFBean Scripting Framework (IBM)
BSFBible Study Fellowship
BSFBritish Softball Federation (UK)
BSFBond Security Framework
BSFBest Sister Forever
BSFBibliotecarios sem Fronteiras (Portuguese: Librarians without Borders)
BSFBuilding Strong Families (various organizations)
BSFBonneville Salt Flats (Utah)
BSFBanque Saudi Fransi (Saudi Arabia)
BSFBack Surface Field
BSFBroadband Services Forum
BSFBarth Syndrome Foundation (Larchmont, NY)
BSFB-Cell Stimulatory Factor
BSFBit Scan Forward
BSFBoy Sets Fire (band)
BSFBritish Standard Fine (screw thread)
BSFBrussels Summer Festival (Belgium)
BSFBigger, Stronger, Faster (anabolic steroid use documentary)
BSFBibliothèques sans Frontières (French: Libraries without Borders)
BSFBut, Seriously Folks
BSFBlue Sky Factory (Baltimore, MD)
BSFBekaert Specialty Films (San Diego, CA)
BSFBaltic Sea Forum (est. 1992)
BSFBrain and Spine Foundation (UK)
BSFBulk Storage Facility
BSFBudget Stabilization Funds (various locations)
BSFBasic Sliding Fee
BSFBand Stop Filter
BSFBonsai Societies of Florida
BSFBenign Senescent Forgetfulness
BSFBiblical Studies Foundation
BSFBig Stupid Fighter
BSFBalkan Sunflowers
BSFBetter School Food
BSFUnited States-Israel Bi-National Science Foundation (Jerusalem, Israel)
BSFBimini Superfast
BSFBibliothèque Sigmund Freud (French: Sigmund Freud Library)
BSFBall Spin Frequency (engineering)
BSFBières sans Frontières (French: Beers without Borders; beer festival; UK)
BSFBiologie sans Frontières (French: Biology without Borders)
BSFBorder Social Forum (Mexico)
BSFBack Scatter Factor
BSFBelow Seafloor (i.e., meters below seafloor)
BSFBlacksmith Forged
BSFBachelor of Science in Finance
BSFBrief Stop For Fuel
BSFBoutique San Francisco
BSFBack Spot Facing
BSFBazar sans Frontières (French: Bazaar without Borders; Madagascar)
BSFBottomless Sand Filter
BSFBasal Skull Fracture (injury)
BSFBudget Submission Figure
BSFBibliographie Sociolinguistique Francophone (French: Francophone Sociolinguistic Bibliography)
BSFBering Straits Foundation (Nome, Alaska)
BSFBritish Shipping Federation
BSFBlack Science Forum
BSFBering Sea Fisherman
BSFBlogueurs sans Frontières (French: Bloggers without Borders)
BSFBulk Shielding Facility, Oak Ridge
BSFBilling Suspense File
BSFBaseline System Functional
BSFBig Sky Fairy
BSFBasic Supplement File
BSFBrigade Sets Fielding
BSFBridge Static Filtering (Cisco)
BSFBroken Stow Factor (military sealift stowage planning)
BSFBordereau de Situation Fiscale (French: Fiscal Situation Schedule)
BSFBig Sandwich Friday
BSFBlack Sea Fund LP




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