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BSE Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.BSEabbr.1. Bachelor of Secondary Education2. bovine spongiform encephalopathyBSE abbreviation for (Veterinary Science) bovine spongiform encephalopathy: a fatal slow-developing disease of cattle, affecting the nervous system. It is caused by a prion protein and is thought to be transmissible to humans, causing a variant form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Informal name: mad cow disease ThesaurusNoun | 1. | BSE - a fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous system; causes staggering and agitationbovine spongiform encephalitis, mad cow diseaseanimal disease - a disease that typically does not affect human beings | TranslationsBSE Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy: a fatal slow-developing disease of cattle, affecting the nervous system. It is caused by a prion protein and is thought to be transmissable to humans, causing a variant form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease BSE Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.BSEAbbreviation for bovine spongiform encephalopathy; breast self-examination.BSEabbr. bovine spongiform encephalopathyBSE Abbreviation for: backscatter electrons behavioural summarised evaluation bovine spongiform encephalopathy (Medspeak-UK) breast self-examination (Medspeak-UK) British Society of Echocardiography (Medspeak-UK) bystander effect, see thereBSE 1. Bilateral, symmetrical, equal.2. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, see there.3. Breast self-examination, see there.BSE Abbreviation for breast self-examination. BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION: Inspection BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION: Inspection BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION: Inspection BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION: Inspection BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION: Palpation BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION: Palpation BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION: Palpationbreast self-examination, BSEA technique that enables a woman to detect changes in her breasts. The accompanying illustration explains the specific steps to be followed. The examination should be done each month soon after the menstrual period ends because normal physiological changes that may confuse results occur in the premenstrual period. See: illustration; mammography
encephalopathy (en-sef?a-lop'a-the) [ encephalo- + -pathy] Generalized brain dysfunction marked by varying degrees of impairment of speech, cognition, orientation, and arousal. In mild instances, brain dysfunction may be evident only during specialized neuropsychiatric testing. In severe instances, e.g., the last stages of hepatic encephalopathy, the patient may be unresponsive even to unpleasant stimuli. acute lead encephalopathyA syndrome seen mostly in children who have absorbed a large amount of lead. Initially there are clumsiness, vertigo, ataxia, headache, insomnia, restlessness, and irritability. As the syndrome progresses, vomiting, agitation, confusion, convulsions, and coma will occur. A sudden, marked increase in intracranial pressure accompanies these symptoms. Sequelae include permanent damage to the central nervous system, causing mental retardation, electroencephalogram abnormalities, cerebral palsy, and optic atrophy. TreatmentExposure to lead must be discontinued. Corticosteroids and intravenous mannitol (20% solution) will relieve increased intracranial pressure. Lead can be removed from the body by giving dimercaprol (BAL) and calcium disodium edetate in a carefully administered doses. Convulsions may be controlled with phenobarbital, hydantoin, or diazepam. Hydration should be maintained with intravenous administration of fluids; solutions containing sodium should be avoided. Oral fluids or food should not be given for at least 3 days. bovine spongiform encephalopathy Abbreviation: BSE A progressive neurological disease of cattle, marked by spongelike changes in the brain and spinal cord and associated with rapid and fatal deterioration. Synonym: mad cow disease See: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; transmissible spongiform encephalopathyEtiologyBSE is found in cattle that have been fed offal. A prion is thought to be the cause. PreventionBecause of the possible link between BSE and rapidly fatal neurological diseases in humans, many countries have banned the use of ruminant proteins in the preparation of cattle feed. early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with suppression bursts Abbreviation: EIEE Ohtahara syndrome.hepatic encephalopathyPortal-systemic encephalopathy.HIV encephalopathyAIDS-dementia complex.hypertensive encephalopathyThe abrupt onset of headache and altered mental status that may occur with sudden and extreme elevations in blood pressure (usually diastolic pressures greater than 125 mm Hg). The altered mental states include irritability, confusion, convulsions, and/or coma. Nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances are common. The symptoms resolve as the blood pressure is brought under control. Hypertensive encephalopathy is an emergency that requires immediate treatment, usually with intravenous medications. Synonym: posthypoxia syndromehypoxic encephalopathyNeurological damage due to deprivation of oxygen or blood or of both to the brain for several minutes. The damage may range from a transient loss of short-term memory to persistent vegetative coma. Many conditions can result in an oxygen deficiency in the brain, including carbon monoxide inhalation, cardiac arrest, hypotensive episodes of any kind, e.g., any form of shock, near-drowning, and suffocation. If patients are not rapidly revived and oxygenation restored, the hippocampus, and later the other cerebral structures, may be permanently injured and the patient may suffer irreversible brain damage. Synonym: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathyhypoxic-ischemic encephalopathyHypoxic encephalopathy.metabolic encephalopathyAn alteration of brain function or consciousness due to failure of other internal organs. In the hospital, metabolic encephalopathy is among the most common causes of altered mental status. Renal failure, liver injury, electrolyte or acid-base abnormalities, hypoxia, hypercarbia, and inadequate brain perfusion caused by a failing heart are but some of the medical conditions that may produce treatable encephalopathies. SymptomsConfusion, irritability, seizures, and coma are common findings. perinatal asphyxial encephalopathyBrain damage to newborn infants due to insufficient oxygenation and blood flow during delivery. Affected newborns have persistently low Apgar scores and need prolonged resuscitation; they are also affected by coma, lethargy, floppy musculature, seizures, acidosis, and/or absent reflexes. The long-term effects of asphyxia on the child can include impaired cognition, motor function, vision, and altered behavior. portal-systemic encephalopathy Abbreviation: PSE Brain dysfunction in patients with chronic liver disease and portal hypertension, in which chemicals that the liver normally detoxifies are shunted past it and left to circulate in the blood. Some patients are asymptomatic; others have mild impairments in memory, calculation, speech, affect, or judgment. Severely affected patients may lapse into coma. Synonym: hepatic encephalopathy See: asterixissubcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathyBinswanger disease.transmissible spongiform encephalopathyEncephalopathy marked by rapidly developing dementia or the sudden onset of psychiatric illnesses, often with myoclonus, ataxia, and aphasia. Death may occur within months of onset. These illnesses are believed to be caused by prions. Examples include kuru, mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Wernicke encephalopathy See: Wernicke, Carl
bovine spongiform encephalopathy Abbreviation: BSE A progressive neurological disease of cattle, marked by spongelike changes in the brain and spinal cord and associated with rapid and fatal deterioration. Synonym: mad cow disease See: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; transmissible spongiform encephalopathyEtiologyBSE is found in cattle that have been fed offal. A prion is thought to be the cause. PreventionBecause of the possible link between BSE and rapidly fatal neurological diseases in humans, many countries have banned the use of ruminant proteins in the preparation of cattle feed. See also: encephalopathyBSE see BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY.BSE Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)Largest stock exchange of India. See also: National Stock Exchange; Mumbai stock exchange.BSE1. See: Boston Stock Exchange.
2. See: Bombay Stock Exchange.BSE See Boston Stock Exchange.BSE Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.Acronym | Definition |
BSE➣Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow disease) | BSE➣Bombay Stock Exchange | BSE➣Board of Secondary Education (India) | BSE➣Biological Systems Engineering (University of Wisconsin) | BSE➣Best Song Ever | BSE➣Breast Self-Examination | BSE➣Beirut Stock Exchange | BSE➣Black Sun Empire (musical trio) | BSE➣Boston Stock Exchange | BSE➣Border States Electric (Fargo, ND) | BSE➣Boston Edison Company (former stock symbol) | BSE➣Balance-Sheet Equation (accounting) | BSE➣Bahrain Stock Exchange | BSE➣British Society of Echocardiography | BSE➣Business Systems Engineering (various organizations) | BSE➣Building Services Engineering | BSE➣Bedside Swallow Evaluation | BSE➣Biological Sciences East (University of Arizona) | BSE➣Bladecenter Storage Expansion | BSE➣Blade Server Expansion | BSE➣Bachelor of Science in Education | BSE➣Bachelor of Science in Engineering | BSE➣Back-Scattered Electron | BSE➣Banco de Seguros del Estado (Uruguay state-owned insurance company) | BSE➣Badger State Ethanol (Monroe, WI) | BSE➣Basic Stirling Engine | BSE➣Bahrain Society of Engineers (Manama, Bahrain) | BSE➣Benerd School of Education (University of the Pacific; California) | BSE➣Bad Simple English | BSE➣Breeding Soundness Evaluation | BSE➣Bachelor of Science in Economics | BSE➣Basic Service Element | BSE➣Bedevilled Sound Engine | BSE➣Bachelor of Software Engineering | BSE➣Bulk Silicate Earth | BSE➣Bin So Einsam (German: I Am So Lonely) | BSE➣Blood Sweat and Ears (Wrestling) | BSE➣Braunschweig-Schöninger Eisenbahn (German: Brunswick Schoeningen Railway) | BSE➣Bovine Spongiform Encephalomyelitis | BSE➣Boresight Error | BSE➣Booster Systems Engineer (NASA) | BSE➣Berlin-Stettiner Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (German: Berlin-Stettin Railway Company) | BSE➣Beta Sigma Epsilon (fraternity) | BSE➣Bâtiments du Sud Est (French construction company) | BSE➣Bus Source Error | BSE➣Battle Space Entity | BSE➣Bureautique Service Essonne (French office supply distributor) | BSE➣Base Support Equipment | BSE➣Base Support Element | BSE➣Bruno Scherer Entreprise (French: Bruno Scherer Company) | BSE➣Broadcast Satellite Experimental | BSE➣Bridge Software Engineer (also seen as BrSE) | BSE➣Basic Semiconductor Equation | BSE➣Bretagne Sud Escalade (French climbing club) | BSE➣Beveled Small End | BSE➣Between Shaft Ends (engineering) | BSE➣Bitseal Seal Encoding (EnSeal) | BSE➣British Society of Endodontics | BSE➣Bureau des Stages à l'Etranger (French: Office of Internships Abroad) | BSE➣Bilateral Symmetrical Encephalomalacia | BSE➣Bretagne Sanitaire Électricité (French utility company) | BSE➣Bestsiteever.net (website) | BSE➣Bilan Sanitaire d'Elevage (French: Health Survey of Livestock) | BSE➣Bureau of Service Evaluation (FPSC) | BSE➣Buried Strip Electrode | BSE➣Belvedere String Ensemble (UK) | BSE➣Basic Storage Element (mainframes) | BSE➣Bourgogne Service Électronique (French: Burgundy Electronics Service; Burgundy, France) | BSE➣Bachelor Students in England (France) | BSE➣Broadband Switch Engineering (Sprint) | BSE➣Biologie Santé Écologie (French: Biology Health Ecology) | BSE➣Battlespace Systems Engineering (US Navy) | BSE➣Balasore School of Engineering | BSE➣Bassin Solidarité Emploi (French cleaning and maintenance company) | BSE➣Breizh Sauvetages d'Equidés (French horse rescue association) | BSE➣Belegloser Scheck-Einzug (German: voucherless cheque collection) |
Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.- noun
Synonyms for BSEnoun a fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous systemSynonyms- bovine spongiform encephalitis
- mad cow disease
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