

单词 difference



disparity; unlikeness; distinction: made a difference
Not to be confused with:deference – courteous respect for another’s opinion, wishes, or judgment: treated with deference


D0215200 (dĭf′ər-əns, dĭf′rəns)n.1. The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar.2. a. An instance of disparity or unlikeness: There is a big difference in sound between a clarinet and an oboe.b. A degree or amount by which things differ: a difference in height of three inches.3. A noticeable change or effect: Exercise has made a difference in her health.4. A disagreement or controversy: Let's settle our differences.5. Discrimination in taste or choice; distinction: In this case, the law should make no difference between young and old.6. Mathematics a. The amount by which one quantity is greater or less than another.b. The amount that remains after one quantity is subtracted from another.tr.v. dif·fer·enced, dif·fer·enc·ing, dif·fer·enc·es To distinguish or differentiate.Synonyms: difference, dissimilarity, unlikeness, divergence, variation, distinction, discrepancy
These nouns refer to a lack of correspondence or agreement. Difference is the most general: differences in color and size; a difference of degree but not of kind.
Dissimilarity and unlikeness often suggest a wide or fundamental difference: the dissimilarity between human and computer language; attracted to each other by their very unlikeness.
However, dissimilarity is also used to emphasize the points of difference between things that are otherwise alike or comparable: an analysis of the dissimilarities between the two sets of data.
Divergence can denote a difference resulting from a branching or separation; alternatively, it can indicate a range of difference within a category: the growing divergence between British and American English; a large group with a divergence of opinions on the subject.
Variation occurs between things of the same class or species; often it refers to a modification of something original, prescribed, or typical: variations in temperature; a variation of a familiar technique.
Distinction often means a difference in detail determinable only by close inspection: the distinction between "good" and "excellent."
A discrepancy is a difference between things that should correspond or match: a discrepancy between his words and his actions.


(ˈdɪfərəns; ˈdɪfrəns) n1. the state or quality of being unlike2. a specific instance of being unlike3. a distinguishing mark or feature4. a significant change in a situation: the difference in her is amazing. 5. a disagreement or argument: he had a difference with his wife. 6. a degree of distinctness, as between two people or things7. (Mathematics) a. the result of the subtraction of one number, quantity, etc, from anotherb. the single number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend; remainder8. (Logic) logic another name for differentia9. (Mathematics) maths (of two sets)a. the set of members of the first that are not members of the second. Symbol: A – B b. symmetric difference the set of members of one but not both of the given sets. Often symbolized: A + B 10. (Heraldry) heraldry an addition to the arms of a family to represent a younger branch11. make a difference a. to have an effectb. to treat differently12. split the difference a. to settle a dispute by a compromiseb. to divide a remainder equally13. with a difference with some peculiarly distinguishing quality, good or badvb (tr) 14. rare to distinguish15. (Heraldry) heraldry to add a charge to (arms) to differentiate a branch of a family


(ˈdɪf ər əns, ˈdɪf rəns)

n., v. -enced, -enc•ing. n. 1. the state or relation of being different; dissimilarity. 2. an instance or point of unlikeness or dissimilarity: the differences in their behavior. 3. a significant change in or effect on a situation: It made no difference what I said; nothing could persuade him. 4. a distinguishing characteristic; distinctive quality, feature, etc. 5. the degree to which one person or thing differs from another. 6. the act of distinguishing; discrimination; distinction. 7. a disagreement in opinion. 8. a dispute or quarrel. 9. Math. a. the amount by which one quantity is greater or less than another. b. (of a function f) an expression of the form f(x + h) −f(x). 10. a differentia. v.t. 11. to cause or constitute a difference in or between; make different. 12. to perceive the difference in or between; discriminate. [1300–50; Middle English (< Anglo-French) < Latin]


(dĭf′ər-əns)1. The amount by which one number or quantity is greater or less than another. The difference between 10 and 15, for example, is 5.2. The amount remaining after one number or quantity is subtracted from another. In the equation 15 - 10 = 5, 5 is the difference.


– distinction">distinction1. 'difference'

The difference between things is the way or ways in which they are not the same.

Is there much difference between British and European law?There are many differences between computers and humans.

If something makes a difference to a situation, it affects it, usually in a positive way. If something makes no difference to a situation, it doesn't affect it.

The training certainly made a difference to staff performance.The story about her past made no difference to his feelings for her.
2. 'distinction'

If someone points out that two things are different, don't say that they 'make a difference' between the things. You say that they make a distinction or draw a distinction between them.

It is important to make a distinction between claimants who are over retirement age and those who are not.He draws a distinction between art and culture.


Past participle: differenced
Gerund: differencing
I difference
you difference
he/she/it differences
we difference
you difference
they difference
I differenced
you differenced
he/she/it differenced
we differenced
you differenced
they differenced
Present Continuous
I am differencing
you are differencing
he/she/it is differencing
we are differencing
you are differencing
they are differencing
Present Perfect
I have differenced
you have differenced
he/she/it has differenced
we have differenced
you have differenced
they have differenced
Past Continuous
I was differencing
you were differencing
he/she/it was differencing
we were differencing
you were differencing
they were differencing
Past Perfect
I had differenced
you had differenced
he/she/it had differenced
we had differenced
you had differenced
they had differenced
I will difference
you will difference
he/she/it will difference
we will difference
you will difference
they will difference
Future Perfect
I will have differenced
you will have differenced
he/she/it will have differenced
we will have differenced
you will have differenced
they will have differenced
Future Continuous
I will be differencing
you will be differencing
he/she/it will be differencing
we will be differencing
you will be differencing
they will be differencing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been differencing
you have been differencing
he/she/it has been differencing
we have been differencing
you have been differencing
they have been differencing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been differencing
you will have been differencing
he/she/it will have been differencing
we will have been differencing
you will have been differencing
they will have been differencing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been differencing
you had been differencing
he/she/it had been differencing
we had been differencing
you had been differencing
they had been differencing
I would difference
you would difference
he/she/it would difference
we would difference
you would difference
they would difference
Past Conditional
I would have differenced
you would have differenced
he/she/it would have differenced
we would have differenced
you would have differenced
they would have differenced
Noun1.difference - the quality of being unlike or dissimilardifference - the quality of being unlike or dissimilar; "there are many differences between jazz and rock"quality - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeareotherness, separateness, distinctness - the quality of being not alike; being distinct or different from that otherwise experienced or knowndifferential - a quality that differentiates between similar thingsdifferentia - distinguishing characteristics (especially in different species of a genus)distinction - a distinguishing difference; "he learned the distinction between gold and lead"discrepancy, disagreement, divergence, variance - a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions; "a growing divergence of opinion"dissimilarity, unsimilarity - the quality of being dissimilarvariety, change - a difference that is usually pleasant; "he goes to France for variety"; "it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic"inequality - lack of equality; "the growing inequality between rich and poor"sameness - the quality of being alike; "sameness of purpose kept them together"
2.difference - a variation that deviates from the standard or norm; "the deviation from the mean"deviation, divergence, departurevariation, fluctuation - an instance of change; the rate or magnitude of changevariance, variant, discrepancy - an event that departs from expectationsdriftage - the deviation (by a vessel or aircraft) from its intended course due to driftingflection, flexion, inflection - deviation from a straight or normal course
3.difference - a disagreement or argument about something importantdifference - a disagreement or argument about something important; "he had a dispute with his wife"; "there were irreconcilable differences"; "the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats"difference of opinion, dispute, conflictdisagreement - the speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputingcollision - a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals; "a collision of interests"contestation, controversy, disceptation, arguing, argument, contention, disputation, tilt - a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement; "they were involved in a violent argument"gap - a difference (especially an unfortunate difference) between two opinions or two views or two situationsdustup, quarrel, run-in, wrangle, row, words - an angry dispute; "they had a quarrel"; "they had words"
4.difference - a significant change; "the difference in her is amazing"; "his support made a real difference"change - a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event; "he attributed the change to their marriage"
5.difference - the number that remains after subtraction; the number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuendremainderbalance - the difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an accountnumber - a concept of quantity involving zero and units; "every number has a unique position in the sequence"


noun1. dissimilarity, contrast, variation, change, variety, exception, distinction, diversity, alteration, discrepancy, disparity, deviation, differentiation, peculiarity, divergence, singularity, particularity, distinctness, unlikeness the vast difference in size
dissimilarity similarity, resemblance, affinity, relation, conformity, likeness, sameness, congruence, comparability, similitude
2. remainder, rest, balance, remains, excess, outstanding amount, remaining amount They pledge to refund the difference within 48 hours.3. disagreement, conflict, argument, row, clash, dispute, set-to (informal), controversy, contention, quarrel, strife, wrangle, tiff, contretemps, discordance, contrariety They are leaning how to resolve their differences.
disagreement agreement, concordance, harmony
make a difference to something or someone change, transform, alter, modify, metamorphose Where you live can make such a difference to the way you feel.


noun1. The condition of being unlike or dissimilar:discrepance, discrepancy, disparity, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distinction, divarication, divergence, divergency, unlikeness.2. A marked lack of correspondence or agreement:disagreement, discrepance, discrepancy, disparity, gap, incompatibility, incongruity, inconsistency.3. The condition or fact of varying:variance, variation.4. A state of disagreement and disharmony:clash, conflict, confrontation, contention, difficulty, disaccord, discord, discordance, dissension, dissent, dissentience, dissidence, dissonance, faction, friction, inharmony, schism, strife, variance, war, warfare.


(ˈdifrəns) noun1. what makes one thing unlike another. I can't see any difference between these two pictures; It doesn't make any difference to me whether you go or stay; There's not much difference between them. 差異 差异2. an act of differing, especially a disagreement. We had a difference of opinion; Have they settled their differences? (= Have they stopped arguing?). 歧見 分歧3. the amount by which one quantity or number is greater than another. If you buy it for me I'll give you $6 now and make up the difference later. 差額 差额ˈdifferent adjective (often with from) not the same. These gloves are not a pair – they're different; My ideas are different from his. 不同的 不同的ˌdiffeˈrentiate (-ˈrenʃieit) verb1. to see or be able to tell a difference (between). I cannot even differentiate a blackbird and a starling. 區別 区别2. (with between) to treat differently. She does not differentiate between her two children although one is adopted. 區分 区分ˈdiffeˌrentiˈation noun 差別,分化,微分法,差異化 差别,分化,微分法
different is followed by from (not than).




  • a difference of opinion
  • a world of difference
  • a/the world of difference
  • all the difference in the world
  • apples and oranges, like comparing
  • dime's worth of difference
  • make a difference
  • make a difference in
  • make a difference in (someone or something)
  • make a difference to
  • make a difference to (one)
  • make a world of difference
  • make a, no, some, etc. difference
  • make all the difference
  • make all the difference (in the world)
  • make no difference
  • makes no difference to me
  • not a blind bit of (something)
  • not a blind bit of notice, difference, etc.
  • put aside (one's) differences
  • same difference
  • set aside (one's) differences
  • sink (one's) differences
  • sink your differences
  • split the difference
  • tell the difference between
  • tell the difference between (someone or something)
  • vive la différence
  • What difference does it make?
  • what's the difference
  • with a difference



1. Mathsa. the result of the subtraction of one number, quantity, etc., from another b. the single number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend; remainder 2. Logic another name for differentia3. Maths of two setsa. the set of members of the first that are not members of the second. b. symmetric difference the set of members of one but not both of the given sets.


contrast, unlikeness. Three interrelated but distinct usages of the term are important:
  1. (within SAUSSURE's linguistic theory) the presupposed (or ‘absent’) contrast(s) in any signification, necessary because meaning is never present in individual signifiers but gained (and never fully or finally) by contrast with other signifiers;
  2. (for DERRIDA) an emphasis above all, on the open-endedness of différence and djfférance, as undermining ‘several kingdoms’, including the ‘metaphysics of presence’ and the ‘logocentrism’ of traditional philosophy (as well as some of Saussure's interpretations of his own linguistics). See also DECONSTRUCTION.
  3. (more general use of the term) cultural differences of any kind.




a comparative description of objects, based on the fact that properties present in some objects are lacking in others. In materialist dialectics, “difference” is understood as a necessary moment in every thing, phenomenon, and process, characterizing its inner contradictoriness and development.

The category of difference is inseparable from the category of identity. The closest connection and mutual interpenetration of difference and identity occurs in the course of the reflection of the movement and development of objects, when difference exists within identity, and identity within difference. The objective basis for the unity of difference and identity is the unity between the stability and the changeability of things. In this unity, stability is manifested as the identity of the changing object with itself, and changeability, as a violation of this identity, or as difference within identity.


[′dif·rəns] (mathematics) The result of subtracting one number from another. The difference between two sets A and B is the set consisting of all elements of A which do not belong to B; denoted A-B.



(dif'ĕr-ents), The magnitude or degree by which one quality or quantity differs from another of the same kind.


(dif'ĕr-ĕns) Degree of variation found in the comparison of two similar items.

Patient discussion about difference

Q. Is there any difference in sugar. Is there any difference in sugar between flavored milk and fruit drinks or carbonated soft drinks?A. Yes …Flavored milk contains both natural and added sugars and has less added sugar than carbonated soft drinks. It has been found that flavored milk just contributes only 2-4 % of total added sugar in kid’s diets as compared to 50-60 percent or more by soft and fruit drinks.

Q. Are there any different exercises I would have to do? I’m due any day now (hopefully). I am 23 years old and am 39w 5d with my first child and I used to be 5'7 160. I am now 5'7 208: I wanted to know from the people on this site if they have any diet/exercise tips on me trying to get myself physically fit again. I dream to work for FDNY as an EMT next year so being physically fit is a strong requirement to be hired. Are there any different exercises I would have to do?A. congratulations!!!
it does sounds like your baby is a big one and might need a c-section. in that case here is some info about exercising after a c-section:
if it won't be in a c-section, here is an article about that:

Q. How are cancer cells similar to normal cells, and how are they different? I know that a similarity would be cells regenerate, and a difference would be cancer cells grow uncontrollably.Is there anything else?A. I learned a lot of new things from the answers. Thanks.

More discussions about difference


DIFFERENCE. A dispute, contest, disagreement, quarrel.



  • all
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for difference

noun dissimilarity


  • dissimilarity
  • contrast
  • variation
  • change
  • variety
  • exception
  • distinction
  • diversity
  • alteration
  • discrepancy
  • disparity
  • deviation
  • differentiation
  • peculiarity
  • divergence
  • singularity
  • particularity
  • distinctness
  • unlikeness


  • similarity
  • resemblance
  • affinity
  • relation
  • conformity
  • likeness
  • sameness
  • congruence
  • comparability
  • similitude

noun remainder


  • remainder
  • rest
  • balance
  • remains
  • excess
  • outstanding amount
  • remaining amount

noun disagreement


  • disagreement
  • conflict
  • argument
  • row
  • clash
  • dispute
  • set-to
  • controversy
  • contention
  • quarrel
  • strife
  • wrangle
  • tiff
  • contretemps
  • discordance
  • contrariety


  • agreement
  • concordance
  • harmony

phrase make a difference to something or someone


  • change
  • transform
  • alter
  • modify
  • metamorphose

Synonyms for difference

noun the condition of being unlike or dissimilar


  • discrepance
  • discrepancy
  • disparity
  • dissimilarity
  • dissimilitude
  • distinction
  • divarication
  • divergence
  • divergency
  • unlikeness

noun a marked lack of correspondence or agreement


  • disagreement
  • discrepance
  • discrepancy
  • disparity
  • gap
  • incompatibility
  • incongruity
  • inconsistency

noun the condition or fact of varying


  • variance
  • variation

noun a state of disagreement and disharmony


  • clash
  • conflict
  • confrontation
  • contention
  • difficulty
  • disaccord
  • discord
  • discordance
  • dissension
  • dissent
  • dissentience
  • dissidence
  • dissonance
  • faction
  • friction
  • inharmony
  • schism
  • strife
  • variance
  • war
  • warfare

Synonyms for difference

noun the quality of being unlike or dissimilar

Related Words

  • quality
  • otherness
  • separateness
  • distinctness
  • differential
  • differentia
  • distinction
  • discrepancy
  • disagreement
  • divergence
  • variance
  • dissimilarity
  • unsimilarity
  • variety
  • change
  • inequality


  • sameness

noun a variation that deviates from the standard or norm


  • deviation
  • divergence
  • departure

Related Words

  • variation
  • fluctuation
  • variance
  • variant
  • discrepancy
  • driftage
  • flection
  • flexion
  • inflection

noun a disagreement or argument about something important


  • difference of opinion
  • dispute
  • conflict

Related Words

  • disagreement
  • collision
  • contestation
  • controversy
  • disceptation
  • arguing
  • argument
  • contention
  • disputation
  • tilt
  • gap
  • dustup
  • quarrel
  • run-in
  • wrangle
  • row
  • words

noun a significant change

Related Words

  • change

noun the number that remains after subtraction


  • remainder

Related Words

  • balance
  • number




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