

单词 bs



abbr.1. Bachelor of Science2. balance sheet3. Bible Bar Sirach (Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach)4. bill of sale5. Vulgar Slang bullshit


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Bahamas


abbreviation for 1. (Education) Bachelor of Surgery 2. British Standard(s) (indicating the catalogue or publication number of the British Standards Institution) 3. Bahamas (international car registration)


1. bags. 2. bales. 3. bill of sale.


1. Bachelor of Science. 2. Also b.s.Slang. bullshit.
Noun1.BS - a bachelor's degree in scienceBS - a bachelor's degree in science Bachelor of Science, SBbachelor's degree, baccalaureate - an academic degree conferred on someone who has successfully completed undergraduate studies



Prefix used to designate a star as listed in the Bright Star Catalog, the unofficial name for the Yale Catalog of Bright Stars (YBS). This catalog developed from the Harvard Revised Photometry , first published 1908 in Harvard Annals, Vol. 50, and also known as the HR Catalog. The BS Catalog took over the 9110 objects contained in the HR Catalog, preserving the HR numbering. Early editions of the BS Catalog listed 14 objects that were not stars. The latest (5th) edition (by D. Hoffleit and W.H. Warren Jr), published 1991, thus contains data on 9096 stars to a limiting magnitude of 6.5 for the epoch 2000.0. The BS Catalog is available in computerized form.


1. Abbr. for “British Standard” published by the British Standards Institution; each standard is designated by the letters BS followed by a number. 2. On drawings, abbr. for “both sides.” 3. Abbr. for “beam spacer.”




(networking)The country code for the Bahamas.



 Bachelor of Surgery; Bachelor of Science; breath sounds; blood sugar.


, BScAbbreviation for Bachelor of Science (Baccalaureus Scientiae).


Abbreviation for:
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Surgery (Medspeak-UK)
backscatter spectroscopy
bariatric surgery
Bartter syndrome
Behçet syndrome
bile salt
bismuth subsalicylate
bismuth sulphite
blood sample
blood smear
blood sugar
bone scan
bone scintigraphy
bovine serum
bowel sounds
brain stem
breath sounds
bronchial secretion
Bureau of Standards


1. Bachelor of Science.2. Basisphenoid.3. Bile salt.4. Blood sugar.5. Bowel sounds.6. Breath sounds.


Abbrev. for Bachelor of Surgery.



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for BAHAMAS.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Bahamian bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for the Bahamas. This is used as an international standard for shipping to the Bahamas. Each Bahamian district has its own code with the prefix "BS." For example, the code for the District of High Rock is ISO 3166-2:BS-HR.


BSBachelor of Science
BSBull Stuff (polite form)
BSBritish Standards
BSBasel-Stadt (canton postcode, Switzerland)
BSBaby Shower
BSBristol (postcode, United Kingdom)
BSBritney Spears
BSBox Score
BSBaltimore Sun (newspaper)
BSBrescia (Lombardia, Italy)
BSBack to School
BSBase Station
BSBraunschweig, Germany
BSBahamas (country code and domain code)
BSBusiness Services
BSBalance Sheet
BSBlood Sugar
BSBlue Sky
BSBusiness System
BSBaking Soda
BSBusiness Studies
BSBig Screen
BSBoy Scouts
BSBible Study
BSBe Smart
BSBariatric Surgery (weight loss)
BSBackside (extreme sports)
BSBlue Springs (Missouri)
BSBoot Sector
BSBasel Stadt (Basel Town; Suisse Half Canton)
BSBruce Springsteen
BSBerufsschule (German: vocational school)
BSBig Sister
BSBrushed Stainless (product feature)
BSBroadcasting System
BSBarbra Streisand
BSBe Sweet
BSBioshock (game)
BSBuffalo Sabres (NHL)
BSBlack Sabbath (band)
BSBriggs & Stratton (Wauwatosa, WI)
BSBe Specific
BSBlacksmith (gaming, Ultima Online)
BSBig Show (WWE wrestler)
BSBig Shot
BSBack Stage
BSBig Smile (Internet chat)
BSBad Science
BSBronze Star
BSBack Side (skate term)
BSBrown Sugar
BSBath Salt
BSBering Sea
BSBarber Shop
BSBoondock Saints (movie)
BSBlind Spot
BSBeauty Shop
BSBrain Stem
BSBOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing)
BSBoob Squish (mammogram)
BSBalanced Scorecard
BSBusiness Segment
BSBart Simpson
BSBilling System
BSBackstab (Starcraft game)
BSBacking Store
BSBob Seger
BSBlack Scholes (option pricing model)
BSBrothers & Sisters
BSBand Saw
BSBroken Saints (webcomic)
BSBomb Squad
BSBlood Star (Diablo game)
BSBus Schedule
BSBlood Stained (Everquest)
BSBachelor of Surgery
BSBoz Scaggs
BSBishop's Stortford (England, UK)
BSBig Smoke (gaming character, GTA:SA)
BSBlessed Sacrament
BSBill of Sale
BSBeam Splitter
BSBasic Strategy (blackjack card game)
BSBoot Sequence
BSBoolean Search
BSBull Snot (polite form)
BSBlack Stallion
BSBackstroke (swimming)
BSBlown Save (baseball)
BSBroadcast Satellite
BSBreaking Strength
BSBombardment Squadron
BSBering Strait
BSMotor Starter (motor-driven cam type)
BSBreath Sounds
BSBelt Sander
BSBasic Software
BSBroadcasting Satellite
BSBiochemical Society (London, UK)
BSBeta Sigma (fraternity)
BSBound States
BSBright and Shiny (recycling)
BSBlowing Snow (weather reports)
BSBetalingsService (Danish: Payment Service)
BSBlocked Shot (basketball)
BSBroken Stowage (shipping)
BSButthole Surfers (band)
BSBest Speaker (Toastmasters)
BSBow String (Runescape gaming)
BSBoundary Scan
BSBlock Sorting
BSBungie Studios (gaming company)
BSBroadcast Source (US DoD)
BSBelgisch Staatsblad (Dutch; Belgian government publication)
BSBonus Stage (cartoon)
BSBloom Syndrome
BSBowel Sounds (medical)
BSBuy Stop (trading markets; stocks, bonds, commodities)
BSBreast Stroke
BSBlazin' Squad (band)
BSBurst Size
BSBend Stiffener (petroleum industry)
BSBass Saxophone
BSBlue Seed (anime)
BSBack Stock
BSBungie Software (Microsoft-owned game developer)
BSBoundary Stone (UK maps)
BSBudgetary Support
BSBellSouth Corp. (telephone company)
BSBasic Sediment
BSBusch Sulzer (ship engine)
BSBinnenlandse Strijdkrachten (Dutch)
BSBattle Staff
BSBoiler, Steam
BSBrittany Spaniel
BSBallistic Skill (gaming)
BSBovine Scatology
BSBreaking Strain
BSBlack Shot (game)
BSBody Shopping (bringing in foreign contractors to work for the US companies at lower salaries)
BSBilly Squire (rock singer)
BSBore Sight
BSBolivar(s) (Venezuelan currency)
BSBotServ (IRC Bot Server)
BSBonus Stage (band)
BSBank of Slovenia
BSBack Sight (surveying)
BSBluespec (filename extension)
BSBulk Store
BSBellow Sealed (plumbing)
BSBroadcast Satellaview (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
BSBetrayed Spouse
BSBailter Space (band)
BSBirth Son (adoption)
BSBalance Shafts (Nissan)
BSBentonite slurry (tunnel boring machines)
BSBank of Springfield (The Simpsons)
BSBlock Specification
BSBird Screen (drawings for HVAC fan or louver accessory)
BSBitch Shield
BSBiden Shot (political slang)
BSBipolar Signal
BSBrodosplit (Shipyard Company, Split, Croatia)
BSBasin Slope
BSBohemia Suburbana (Guatemala rock group)
BSBlocking Series
BSBungie Sightings (bs.bungie.org)
BSBit Synchronizer
BSBina Swadaya
BSBattle Sphere (Atari Jaguar video game)
BSBerkhouse/Snyder (music duo)
BSBoston Stoker (coffee company)
BSBattle Support
BSBusiness Stupidity (opposite of Business Intelligence)
BSBjarne Stroustroup (creator of C++ language)
BSBlister Steel
BSBlazing Swamp (Lineage 2 game)
BSBis Spater (German: see you later)
BSBitumen Solution
BSBien-Etre Sociale (Canadian French: welfare)
BSBarfko Swill (Frank Zappa Production Company)
BSBi-Metallic Strip
BSBon Scot (singer)
BSBayesian Score
BSBirchwood School (West Nyack, NY)
BSBlank Sentences
BSBottom Sounding
BSBASIC or cyBASIC (file extension)
BSBefore Stinson (How I Met Your Mother; TV series reference)
BSBlack Sheep Brotherhood (gaming community)
BSBroadband Storm
BSBéton de Sable (French: Sand Concrete)
BSBehavioral Statement
BSBike Stunt Competition
BSBioShelf International (Hamilton, ON, Canada)


  • noun

Synonyms for BS

noun a bachelor's degree in science


  • Bachelor of Science
  • SB

Related Words

  • bachelor's degree
  • baccalaureate




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