
ii. Flight from takeoff to a height of 1500 ft or 5 min divided into the following segments:
(a) First segment. This extends from 35 ft (screen height) to the point at which, on one power unit inoperative net performance, the landing gear is fully retracted and, if applicable, the propeller of the failed power unit is feathered (i.e., from 35 ft until the gear is up [V2]).
(b) Second segment. It extends from the gear-up point to a flap retraction height, using takeoff thrust and takeoff flaps at a constant V2 speed.
(c) Third segment. The horizontal distance required to accelerate at a constant altitude, using takeoff thrust, to the final climb speed while retracting the flaps in accordance with the recommended speed scheduled.
(d) Fourth segment. This extends from the end of the third segment to the 5-min point or 1500 ft, whichever occurs first.
(e) Fifth segment. At the 5-min point, or at 1500 ft, power is reduced to the maximum continuous rating, and the aircraft is flown level and accelerated to the one power unit inoperative en route climbing speed.
(f) Sixth segment. If 1500 ft has not been reached by the end of the fourth segment, this segment extends from the end of the fifth segment until a height of 1500 ft is achieved.