

单词 cruelty



C0775100 (kro͞o′əl-tē)n. pl. cru·el·ties 1. The quality or condition of being cruel.2. Something, such as a cruel act or remark, that causes pain or suffering.3. Law The intentional infliction of physical or mental distress, especially when considered as a basis for granting a divorce.


(ˈkruːəltɪ) n, pl -ties1. deliberate infliction of pain or suffering2. the quality or characteristic of being cruel3. a cruel action4. (Law) law conduct that causes danger to life or limb or a threat to bodily or mental health, on proof of which a decree of divorce may be granted


(ˈkru əl ti)

n., pl. -ties. 1. the state or quality of being cruel. 2. cruel disposition or conduct. 3. a cruel act, remark, etc. 4. Law. conduct by a spouse that causes grievous bodily harm or mental suffering. [1175–1225; Middle English < Anglo-French, Old French < Latin]




  1. (He’s always been) a bigger shit than two tons of manure —William Mcllvanney
  2. Cruel and cold as the judgment of man —Lord Byron
  3. Cruel as death —James Thomson

    This is from a double simile, the second part being “Hungry as the grave.”

  4. Cruel as love or life —Algernon Charles Swinburne
  5. Cruel as old gravestones knocked down and scarred faceless —James Wright
  6. (Nothing so) cruel as panic —Robert Louis Stevenson
  7. (She knew well the virtues of her singular attractiveness, as) cruel as shears —George Garrett
  8. Cruel as winter —Lewis J. Bates
  9. Crueller than hell —Algernon Charles Swinburne
  10. Cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness —The Holy Bible

    The ostrich reference appears both in Lamentations and the Book of Job.

  11. Cruelty on most occasions is like the wind, boisterous in itself, and exciting a murmur and bustle in all the things it moves among —Walter Savage Landor
  12. Evil, like good, has its own heroes —Francois, Due de La Rochefoucauld
  13. Had a persoality like a black hole —Jonathan Valin

    In his novel, Natural Causes, from which this is taken, Valin expands upon the simile with “He sucked in everything around him and gave nothing back in return.”

  14. A heart like a snake —Michael V. Gazzo
  15. Her coarseness, her cruelty, was like bark rough with lichen —Virginia Woolf
  16. He’s like a cobra. No conscience —William Diehl

    See Also: EVIL

  17. Mean as a man who’d make knuckle-bones out of his aunt —Anon
  18. Mean as a snake —John D. MacDonald
  19. Mean as cat shit —James Kirkwood
  20. Mean as cat’s meat —Somerset Maugham, quoted in New York Times Magazine article by Thomas F. Brady, January 24, 1954
  21. (That old scoundrel’s) mean as ptomaine —Richard Ford
  22. Mean as the man who tells his children that Santa Claus is dead —Anon
  23. Merciless as ambition —Joseph Joubert
  24. Merciless as bailiffs —Erich Maria Remarque
  25. Ordered her about like a convict —Nicholas Monsarrat
  26. Ruthless as a Gestapo thug —Raymond Chandler
  27. Ruthless as any sea —Beryl Markham
  28. So mean he would steal a dead fly from a blind spider —Anon
  29. Spiteful as a monkey —Frank Swinnerton
  30. Spiteful as the devil —Walter Savage Landor
  31. Treat us like mud off the bottom of the Hudson River —Rebecca West

    (E) Use men ruthlessly like pawns —Honoré de Balzac

  32. Walk all over [another person] like a carpet —Elyse Sommer
  33. Whipping and abuse are like laudanum; you have to double the dose as the sensibilities decline —Harriet Beecher Stowe
  34. Wickedness burns like fire —The Holy Bible/Isaiah

    The above has been modernized from “Wickedness burneth as the fire.”

  35. Would cut me down like a piece of grass —Jimmy Sangster
Noun1.cruelty - a cruel actcruelty - a cruel act; a deliberate infliction of pain and sufferinginhuman treatmentabuse, ill-treatment, ill-usage, maltreatment - cruel or inhumane treatment; "the child showed signs of physical abuse"impalement - the act of piercing with a sharpened stake as a form of punishment or tortureatrocity, inhumanity - an act of atrocious cruelty
2.cruelty - feelings of extreme heartlessnesscruelty - feelings of extreme heartlessness mercilessness, pitilessness, ruthlessnesscoldheartedness, hardheartedness, heartlessness - an absence of concern for the welfare of others
3.cruelty - the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyancecruelness, harshnessbrutality, ferociousness, viciousness, savagery - the trait of extreme crueltymurderousness - cruelty evidence by a capability to commit murdermalevolency, malice, malevolence - the quality of threatening evil


noun brutality, spite, severity, savagery, ruthlessness, sadism, depravity, harshness, inhumanity, barbarity, callousness, viciousness, bestiality, heartlessness, brutishness, spitefulness, bloodthirstiness, mercilessness, fiendishness, hardheartedness Britain had laws against cruelty to animals but not children.


nounA cruel act or an instance of cruel behavior:barbarity, bestiality, brutality, inhumanity, savagery, truculence, truculency.


(ˈkruːəl) adjective1. pleased at causing pain; merciless. He was cruel to his dog. 殘酷的 残酷的2. causing distress. a cruel disappointment. 令人痛苦的 令人痛苦的ˈcruelly adverb 殘酷地 残酷地ˈcruelty noun 殘忍 残忍


IdiomsSeebarbarian cruelty



See also Brutality.Achrenmean, spiteful enchantress of Spiral Castle. [Children’s Lit.: The Castle of Llyr]Allan, Barbaraspurned her dying sweetheart because of a fancied slight. [Br. Balladry: Benét, 78]Blackbeardnickname of pirate, Edward Teach (d. 1718). [Am. Hist.: Hart, 84]Bligh, Captaintyrannical master of the ship Bounty. [Am. Lit.: Mutiny on the Bounty]Bumble, Mr.abusive beadle, mistreats Oliver and other waifs. [Br. Lit.: Oliver Twist]bullsymbolizes cruelty in Picasso’s Guernica. [Span. Art.: Mercatante, 99]Cipollamagician who hypnotizes and brutally humiliates members of the audience. [Ger. Lit.: Mario and the Magician in Benét, 636]Conchishis psychological experiments cause repeated emotion-al anguish among his subjects. [Br. Lit.: John Fowles The Magus in Weiss, 279]Creakle, Mr.headmaster at Salem House; enjoys whipping boys. [Br. Lit.: David Copperfield]cuscutasymbol of cruelty. [Flower Symbolism; Jobes, 399]DiocletianRoman emperor (284–305); instituted general persecutions of Christians. [Rom. Hist.: EB, 5: 805–807]Guilbert, Brian de Boisdissolute and cruel commander of the Knights Templars. [Br. Lit.: Ivanhoe]Job’s comfortersmaliciously torment Job while ostensibly attempting to comfort him. [O.T.: Job]Legree, Simonharsh taskmaster; slavetrader. [Am. Lit.: Uncle Tom’s Cabin]leopardrepresents meanness, sin, and the devil. [Animal Symbolism: Mercatante, 56]Margaretof Anjou hard, vicious, strong-minded, imperious woman. [Br. Lit.: II Henry VI]MezentiusEtrurian king put his subjects to death by binding them to dead men and letting them starve. [Rom. Legend: Benét, 664]Murdstone, Edwardharsh and cruel husband of widow Copperfield. [Br. Lit.: David Copperfield]painted bird, thepainted by peasants and released, it is rejected and killed by its original flock. [Pol. Tradition: Weiss, 345]Slout, Mr.punished Oliver for asking for more gruel. [Br. Lit.: Oliver Twist]Squeers, Wackfordbrutal, abusive pedagogue; starves and maltreats urchins. [Br. Lit.: Nicholas Nickleby]Totenkopfverbandetough Death’s Head units maintaining concentration camps in Nazi Germany. [Ger. Hist.: Shirer, 375]Vlad the Impaler(c. 980–1015) prince of Walachia; called Dracula; ruled barbarously. [Eur. Hist.: NCE, 2907]


Related to Cruelty: Mental cruelty, Cruelty towards animals


The deliberate and malicious infliction of mental or physical pain upon persons or animals.

As applied to people, cruelty encompasses abusive, outrageous, and inhumane treatment that results in the wanton and unnecessary infliction of suffering upon the body or mind.

Legal cruelty involves conduct that warrants the granting of a Divorce to the injured spouse. Phrases such as "cruel and inhuman treatment," "cruel and abusive treatment," or "cruel and barbarous treatment" are commonly employed in matrimonial law. The term comprehends mental and physical harm, but a single act of cruelty is usually insufficient for divorce; a pattern of cruel conduct must occur over a period of time. This ground of divorce is of diminished significance due to the enactment of no-fault legislation by most jurisdictions.

Cruelty to children, also known as Child Abuse, encompasses mental and physical battering and abuse, as defined by statutes in a majority of jurisdictions.

Cruelty to animals involves the infliction of physical pain or death upon an animal, when unnecessary for disciplinary, instructional, or humanitarian purposes, such as the release of the animal from incurable illness.

A person commits a misdemeanor if he or she intentionally or recklessly neglects any animal in his or her custody, mistreats any animal, or kills or injures any animal without legal privilege or the consent of its owner.


Animal Rights.


n. the intentional and malicious infliction of physical or psychological pain on another. In most states various forms of "cruelty," "extreme cruelty," and/or "mental cruelty" used to be grounds for divorce if proved. This brought about a lot of unnecessary (and sometimes exaggerated or false) derogatory (nasty) testimony about the other party. There was little standardization of what constituted sufficient "cruelty" to prove a divorce should be granted. Starting in the 1960s "no fault" divorce (sometimes now called "dissolution") began to replace contentious divorces in most states, so that incompatibility became good enough grounds for granting a divorce. (See: cruel and unusual punishment, divorce)

CRUELTY. This word has different meanings, as it is applied to different things. Cruelty may be, 1. From husband towards the wife, or vice versa. 2. From superior towards inferior, 3. From master towards slave. 4. To animals. These will be separately considered.
2.-1. Between husband and wife, those acts which affect the life, the health, or even the comfort of the party aggrieved, and give a reasonable apprehension of bodily hurt, are called cruelty. What merely wounds the feelings is seldom admitted to be cruelty, unless the act be accompanied with bodily injury, either actual or menaced. Mere austerity of temper, petulance of manners, rudeness of language, a want of civil attention and accommodation, even occasional sallies of passion, will not amount to legal cruelty; 17 Conn. 189; a fortiori, the denial of little indulgences and particular accommodations, which the delicacy of the world is apt to number among its necessaries, is not cruelty. The negative descriptions of cruelty are perhaps the best, under the infinite variety of cases that may occur, by showing what is not cruelty. 1 Hagg. R. 35; S. C. 4 Eccles. R. 311, 312; 2 Hagg. Suppl. 1; S. C. 4 Eccles. R. 238; 1 McCord's Ch. R. 205; 2 J. J. Marsh. R. 324; 2 Chit. Pr. 461, 489; Poynt. on Mar. & Div. c. 15, p. 208; Shelf. on Mar. & Div. 425; 1 Hagg. Cons. R. 37, 458; 2 Ragg. Cons. Rep. 154; 1 Phillim. 111, 132; 8 N H. Rep. 307; 3 Mass. 321; 4 Mass. 487. It is to be remarked that exhibitions of passion and gusts of anger, which would be sufficient to create irreconcilable hatred between persons educated and trained to respect each other's feelings, would, with persons of coarse manners and habits, have but a momentary effect. An act which towards the latter would cause but a momentary difference, would with the former, be excessive cruelty. 1 Briand Med. Leg. 1 ere part. c. 2, art. 3.
3.-2. Cruelty towards weak and helpless persons takes place where a party bound to provide for and protect them, either abuses them by whipping them unnecessarily, or by neglecting to provide for them those necessaries which their helpless condition requires. To expose a person of tender years, under a party's care, to the inclemency of the weather; 2 Campb. 650; or to keep such a child, unable to provide for himself, without adequate food; 1 Leach, 137; Russ. & Ry. 20 or an overseer neglecting to provide food and medical care to a pauper having urgent and immediate occasion for them; Russ. & Ry. 46, 47, 48; are examples of this species of cruelty.
4.-3. By the civil code of Louisiana, art. 192, it is enacted, that when the master shall be convicted of cruel treatment of his slave, the judge may pronounce, besides the penalty established for such cases, that the slave shall be sold at public auction, in order to place him out of the reach of the power which his master has abused.
5.-4. Cruelty to animals is an indictable offence. A defendant was convicted of a misdemeanor for tying the tongue of a calf so near the root as to prevent its sucking, in order to sell the cow at a greater price, by giving to her udder the appearance of being full of milk, while affording the calf all he needed. 6 Rogers, City Hall Rec. 62. A man may be indicted for cruelly beating his horse. 3 Rogers, City Rec. 191.


Related to cruelty: Mental cruelty, Cruelty towards animals
  • noun

Synonyms for cruelty

noun brutality


  • brutality
  • spite
  • severity
  • savagery
  • ruthlessness
  • sadism
  • depravity
  • harshness
  • inhumanity
  • barbarity
  • callousness
  • viciousness
  • bestiality
  • heartlessness
  • brutishness
  • spitefulness
  • bloodthirstiness
  • mercilessness
  • fiendishness
  • hardheartedness

Synonyms for cruelty

noun a cruel act or an instance of cruel behavior


  • barbarity
  • bestiality
  • brutality
  • inhumanity
  • savagery
  • truculence
  • truculency

Synonyms for cruelty

noun a cruel act


  • inhuman treatment

Related Words

  • abuse
  • ill-treatment
  • ill-usage
  • maltreatment
  • impalement
  • atrocity
  • inhumanity

noun feelings of extreme heartlessness


  • mercilessness
  • pitilessness
  • ruthlessness

Related Words

  • coldheartedness
  • hardheartedness
  • heartlessness

noun the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance


  • cruelness
  • harshness

Related Words

  • brutality
  • ferociousness
  • viciousness
  • savagery
  • murderousness
  • malevolency
  • malice
  • malevolence




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