Dieulafoy, Georges

Dieulafoy, Georges

(dyu-lă-fwa′) Fr. physician, 1839–1911.

Dieulafoy lesion

A vascular defect in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract (typically the stomach, but sometimes other organs) in which an arteriole protrudes into the lumen and bleeds briskly. Dieulafoy lesions are an uncommon cause of massive gastrointestinal blood loss. The bleeding can be controlled with cauterization, rubber banding, wedge resection, or other techniques.

Dieulafoy triad

Tenderness, muscular contraction, and skin hyperesthesia at the McBurney point in acute appendicitis.


Georges, French physician, 1839-1911. Dieulafoy disease - Synonym(s): Dieulafoy erosionDieulafoy erosion - acute ulcerative gastroenteritis complicating pneumonia, possibly caused by overproduction of adrenal steroid hormones. Synonym(s): Dieulafoy diseaseDieulafoy lesionDieulafoy theory - an obsolete theory that appendicitis is always the result of the transformation of the appendicular canal into a closed cavity.Dieulafoy vascular malformation of the stomach