diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid

pentetic acid

 [pen-te´tik] diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, DTPA; a chelating agent (iron) with the general properties of the edetates; used in preparing radiopharmaceuticals.

di·eth·yl·ene·tri·a·mine pen·ta·a·ce·tic ac·id (DTPA),

(dī-eth'il-ēn-trī'ă-mēn pen'tă-ă-sē'tik as'id), An important chelating agent used in therapy (for example, in therapy for lead poisoning), and in metal-containing diagnostic agents for magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear scanning.

di·eth·yl·ene·tri·a·mine pen·ta·a·ce·tic ac·id

(DTPA) (dī-eth'il-ēn-trī'ă-mēn pen'tă-ă-sē'tik as'id) An important chelating agent used in therapy and in metal-containing diagnostic agents for magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear scanning.