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en·ter·o·coc·cus E0159000 (ĕn′tə-rō-kŏk′əs)n. pl. en·ter·o·coc·ci (-kŏk′sī′, -kŏk′ī′) A usually nonpathogenic streptococcus that inhabits the intestine. en′ter·o·coc′cal adj.enterococcus (ˌɛntərəʊˈkɒkəs) n, pl -cocci (-ˈkɒkaɪ; US -ˈkɒksaɪ) (Physiology) any of several streptococcus species present in the intestineTranslationsenterococcus
Enterococcus [en″ter-o-kok´us] a genus of gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic bacteria of the family Streptococcaceae, formerly classified in the genus Streptococcus.E. faeca´lis and E. fae´cium are normal inhabitants of the human intestinal tract that occasionally cause urinary tract infections, infective endocarditis, and bacteremia; E. a´vium is found primarily in the feces of chickens and may be associated with appendicitis, otitis, and brain abscesses in humans.
enterococcus [en″ter-o-kok´us] (pl. enterococ´ci) (Gr.) an organism belonging to the genus Enterococcus.Enterococcus (en'tĕr-ō-kok'ŭs), Genus of facultatively anaerobic, generally nonmotile, non-spore-forming, gram-positive bacteria (family Streptococcaceae), formerly classified as part of the genus Streptococcus. Found in the intestinal tract of humans and animals, enterococci cause intraabdominal, wound, and urinary tract infections. Type species is E. faecalis. E. faecium is also clinically significant, because of its propensity to develop antibiotic resistance. en·ter·o·coc·cus, pl. en·ter·o·coc·ci (en'tĕr-ō-kok'ŭs, -kok'sī), Avoid the mispronunciation en-ter-ō-kok'ī of the plural of this word.A streptococcus that inhabits the intestinal tract. [entero- + G. kokkos, a berry] enterococcus (ĕn′tə-rō-kŏk′əs)n. pl. entero·cocci (-kŏk′sī′, -kŏk′ī′) A usually nonpathogenic streptococcus that inhabits the intestine. en′ter·o·coc′cal adj.En·ter·o·coc·cus (en'ter-ō-kok'ŭs) Genus of facultatively anaerobic, generally nonmotile, non-spore-forming, gram-positive bacteria. Found in the intestinal tract of humans and animals, enterococci cause intraabdominal, wound, and urinary tract infections. Type species is E. faecalis. E. faecium is also clinically significant. enterococcus A STREPTOCOCCUS inhabiting the intestine.enterococcus (pl. enterococci) BACTERIA of the GENUS Enterococcus. Such bacteria are GRAM POSITIVE, COCCOID and facultative ANAEROBES. The genus was established to accommodate STREPTOCOCCI found in the human and animal INTESTINE, such as Streptococcus faecalis, now Enterococcus faecalis. en·ter·o·coc·cus, pl. enterococci (entĕr-ō-kokŭs, -sī) Avoid the mispronunciation en-ter-ō-kok'ī of the plural of this word.A streptococcus that inhabits the intestinal tract. [entero- + G. kokkos, a berry] |