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con·jec·ture C0572000 (kən-jĕk′chər)n.1. Opinion or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork.2. An opinion or conclusion based on guesswork: The commentators made various conjectures about the outcome of the next election.v. con·jec·tured, con·jec·tur·ing, con·jec·tures v.tr. To judge or conclude by conjecture; guess: "From the comparative silence below ... I conjectured that Mr Rochester was now at liberty" (Charlotte Brontë).v.intr. To make a conjecture. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin coniectūra, from coniectus, past participle of conicere, to infer : com-, com- + iacere, to throw; see yē- in Indo-European roots.] con·jec′tur·a·ble adj.con·jec′tur·al adj.con·jec′tur·al·ly adv.con·jec′tur·er n.IdiomsSeeconjectureEncyclopediaSeeConjecture |