aortic hiatus


 [hi-a´tus] (L.) an opening" >opening, gap, or cleft. adj., adj hia´tal.aortic hiatus (hiatus aor´ticus) the opening in the diaphragm through which the aorta and thoracic duct pass.esophageal hiatus (hiatus esophage´us) the opening in the diaphragm for the passage of the esophagus and the vagus nerves.

a·or·tic hi·a·tus

[TA] the opening in the diaphragm, at the level of vertebra T12, bounded by the two crura, the vertebral column, and the median arcuate ligament, through which the aorta and thoracic duct pass. Synonym(s): hiatus aorticus [TA], aortic foramen, aortic opening

a·or·tic hi·a·tus

(ā-ōr'tik hī-ā'tŭs) [TA] The opening in the diaphragm bounded by the two crura, the vertebral column, and the median arcuate ligament, through which pass the aorta and thoracic duct.