Brunnov, Filipp

Brunnov, Filipp Ivanovich


Born Aug. 31 (Sept. 11), 1797, in Dresden; died Apr. 12 (24), 1875, in Darmstadt. Count; Russian diplomat.

Brunnov was a member of the Courland nobility and entered the diplomatic service in 1818. He participated in the congresses of the Holy Alliance and in the negotiations with Turkey at Akkerman in 1826 and Adrianople in 1829. From 1829 to 1839 he was a close assistant of Minister of Foreign Affairs K. V. Nesselrode. As Russian ambassador to the Court of St. James’s (1840-54, 1858-74), Brunnov pursued a policy of Anglo-Russian rapprochement. He is known for his able drafting of diplomatic documents (“the Nestor of Russian diplomacy”) that faithfully reflected the opinions of Nicholas I. He took part in the work of the London conference on Greece in 1843. In 1856 he was the alternate delegate at the Paris conference. He conducted the negotiations that led to the conclusion of the London Convention on the Straits in 1871.


Tarle, E. V. Krymskaia voina, 2nd ed., vols. 1-2. Moscow, 1950.
Istoriia diplomatii, 2nd ed., vol. 1. Moscow, 1959.