Brun, Julian

Brun, Julian


(pseudonyms: Antonowicz, Bronowicz, Spis, and Juliański). Born Apr. 21, 1886, in Warsaw; died Apr. 28, 1942, in Saratov. Figure in the Polish labor movement, publicist, and literary critic.

From 1905, Brun was a member of the Social Democratic Party of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania. He took part in the Revolution of 1905-07 and later emigrated to France and Bulgaria. He returned to his native land in 1919 and joined the Communist Party of Poland. He was a prominent theoretician of the Polish CP and was editor of its journal, Nowy Przeglqd, and a number of other Party publications. In 1923-25 he was a member of the Central Committee, and in the years 1930-38 he was a candidate member of the Central Committee of the Polish CP. Arrested in 1924, he arrived in the USSR in 1926 in an exchange of political prisoners. From 1929 he was in France and Belgium. At the beginning of World War II he was arrested by the Hitlerites in Belgium and sent to a concentration camp in France, from which he escaped to the USSR in July-August 1941. He founded a Polish editorial board attached to a Ukrainian radio station (in 1941-42, located in Saratov). The Union of Polish Journalists established a prize in Brun’s name.


Pisma wybrane, vols. 1-2. Warsaw, 1955-56.