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DictionarySeeaortic archaortic arch syndrome
aortic [a-or´tik] pertaining to the aorta.aortic arch syndrome any of a group of disorders adding to occlusion of the arteries arising from the arch" >aortic arch; such occlusion may be caused by atherosclerosis, arterial embolism, or other conditions. See also pulseless disease.aortic septal defect a congenital anomaly in which there is abnormal communication between the ascending aorta and the pulmonary artery just above the semilunar valves.a·or·tic arch syn·dromeatheromatous and/or thrombotic obliteration of the branches of the arch of the aorta leading to diminished or absent pulses in the neck and arms. See also: Takayasu arteritis, reversed coarctation. Synonym(s): Martorell syndromeaortic arch syndrome 1. Takayasu's arteritis, see there.2. Subclavian steal syndrome, see there.Ta·ka·ya·su ar·te·ri·tis (tah-kah-yah'sū ahr'tĕr-ī'tis) A progressive obliterative arteritis of unknown origin involving fibrosis and luminal narrowing that affects the aorta and its branches; more common in females. Synonym(s): aortic arch syndrome, Martorell syndrome, pulseless disease. aortic arch syndrome Pulseless disease or TAKAYASU DISEASE. There is narrowing of the arch of the main artery of the body and its major branches. The pulses in the arm, head and neck are greatly diminished. Fainting, headache, defective vision and muscle wasting occur.Martorell, Fernando Otzet, Spanish vascular surgeon, 1906-1984. Martorell syndrome - atheromatous and/or thrombotic obliteration of the branches of the aortic arch. Synonym(s): aortic arch syndromeThesaurusSeeaortic |