Acronym | Definition |
CEID➣Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (University of Patras, Greece) |
CEID➣Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases (University of Iowa; Coralville, IA) |
CEID➣Center for Early Intervention on Deafness (Berkeley, CA) |
CEID➣Collection Event Identifier |
CEID➣Comité Étude Information Drogue (French: Drug Information Study Committee; Bordeaux, France) |
CEID➣Centre d'Implantologie Dentaire (French: Dental Implant Center; Lyon, France) |
CEID➣Collected Event ID |
CEID➣Chicken Embryo Infectious Dose (virus titration in embryonated chicken eggs) |
CEID➣Communications-Electronics Implementation Directive |