

单词 aor



abbr.1. album-oriented radio2. album-oriented rock


abbreviation for 1. (Pop Music) album-oriented rock 2. (Pop Music) adult-oriented rock 3. (Broadcasting) US album-oriented radio


1. Album-Oriented Rock. 2. Album-Oriented Radio.


angle of reflection.



The ISO 4217 currency code for Angolan Reajustado Kwanza.


ISO 4217 code for the Angolan kwanza readjustado. It replaced the novo kwanza in 1995 to help reduce inflation. The kwanza readjustado did not result in lower inflation and was replaced by the (second) kwanza in 1999.


AORArea Of Responsibility
AORAlbum Oriented Rock (music)
AORAdult Oriented Rock
AORAssignment of Rents
AORArea of Responsibility (military geographic region)
AORAdventures of Riley (book series)
AORAssessment of Risk
AORApex Online Racing
AORAngel of Retribution (band)
AORArea of Operational Responsibility
AORAdjusted Odds Ratio
AORAssumption of Risk (legal defense)
AORAorist (Greek case/case aspect)
AORAcknowledgement of Receipt
AORAdvanced Orthomolecular Research (Calgary, AB, Canada)
AORAssociation of Realtors
AORAgency Of Record
AORAuthorized Organizational Representative
AORAudio Output Right
AORAcceptable Operating Range
AORAccessible Outdoor Recreation (Washington)
AORAddress of Record (SIP telephony)
AORAvailable on Request
AORReplenishment Oiler (Tanker)
AORAtlantic Ocean Region (INMARSAT)
AORArt of Regeneration (UK)
AORArab on Radar (band)
AORAnnals of Operations Research
AORAnthems of Rebellion (Arch Enemy album)
AORAverage Occupancy Rate (hotels)
AORAuthority On Radio
AORAngle of Repose (engineering)
AORArchitect of Record
AORApplication Owning Region
AORAxis of Rotation
AORAge-adjusted Odds Ratio
AORAssumption of Responsibility
AORAverage Order Revenue
AORAll Over the Road (Undefined radio program format)
AORApp-O-Rama (credit card juggling)
AORAstronomical Observation Request (various organizations)
AORAdditional Oil Recovery
AORAvailable on Radio
AORAlor Setar, Malaysia - Sultan Abdul Halim (Airport Code)
AORAuxiliary Oil Replenishment (Canadian Forces tanker)
AORApplied Ocean Research
AORArithmetic Operator Replacement
AORAccumulated Operating Results
AORAcceptance Of Risk
AORAdvice of Rights
AORApplicative Order Reduction (lambda calculus reduction strategy)
AORArea of Rescue (Assistance; area for emergency personnel find people of limited mobility in a building)
AORActual Oxygen Required (wastewater treatment)
AORAnnual Operating Requirements
AORAdd-on Rate
AORAbnormal Occurrence Report
AORAtlantic Operating Region
AORAir Observation Report
AORAllowance Override
AORAdvance List of Oversea-Returnees for Reassignment
AORAcquisition Officer Representative
AORArctic Ocean Radiative Fluxes
AORAlpha-Omega Resources




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