Acronym | Definition |
AOR➣Area Of Responsibility |
AOR➣Album Oriented Rock (music) |
AOR➣Adult Oriented Rock |
AOR➣Assignment of Rents |
AOR➣Area of Responsibility (military geographic region) |
AOR➣Adventures of Riley (book series) |
AOR➣Assessment of Risk |
AOR➣Apex Online Racing |
AOR➣Angel of Retribution (band) |
AOR➣Area of Operational Responsibility |
AOR➣Adjusted Odds Ratio |
AOR➣Assumption of Risk (legal defense) |
AOR➣Aorist (Greek case/case aspect) |
AOR➣Acknowledgement of Receipt |
AOR➣Advanced Orthomolecular Research (Calgary, AB, Canada) |
AOR➣Association of Realtors |
AOR➣Agency Of Record |
AOR➣Authorized Organizational Representative |
AOR➣Audio Output Right |
AOR➣Acceptable Operating Range |
AOR➣Accessible Outdoor Recreation (Washington) |
AOR➣Address of Record (SIP telephony) |
AOR➣Available on Request |
AOR➣Replenishment Oiler (Tanker) |
AOR➣Atlantic Ocean Region (INMARSAT) |
AOR➣Art of Regeneration (UK) |
AOR➣Arab on Radar (band) |
AOR➣Annals of Operations Research |
AOR➣Anthems of Rebellion (Arch Enemy album) |
AOR➣Average Occupancy Rate (hotels) |
AOR➣Authority On Radio |
AOR➣Angle of Repose (engineering) |
AOR➣Architect of Record |
AOR➣Application Owning Region |
AOR➣Axis of Rotation |
AOR➣Age-adjusted Odds Ratio |
AOR➣Assumption of Responsibility |
AOR➣Average Order Revenue |
AOR➣All Over the Road (Undefined radio program format) |
AOR➣App-O-Rama (credit card juggling) |
AOR➣Astronomical Observation Request (various organizations) |
AOR➣Additional Oil Recovery |
AOR➣Available on Radio |
AOR➣Alor Setar, Malaysia - Sultan Abdul Halim (Airport Code) |
AOR➣Auxiliary Oil Replenishment (Canadian Forces tanker) |
AOR➣Applied Ocean Research |
AOR➣Arithmetic Operator Replacement |
AOR➣Accumulated Operating Results |
AOR➣Acceptance Of Risk |
AOR➣Advice of Rights |
AOR➣Applicative Order Reduction (lambda calculus reduction strategy) |
AOR➣Area of Rescue (Assistance; area for emergency personnel find people of limited mobility in a building) |
AOR➣Actual Oxygen Required (wastewater treatment) |
AOR➣Annual Operating Requirements |
AOR➣Add-on Rate |
AOR➣Abnormal Occurrence Report |
AOR➣Atlantic Operating Region |
AOR➣Air Observation Report |
AOR➣Allowance Override |
AOR➣Advance List of Oversea-Returnees for Reassignment |
AOR➣Acquisition Officer Representative |
AOR➣Arctic Ocean Radiative Fluxes |
AOR➣Alpha-Omega Resources |