Brule River State Forest

Brule River State Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Wisconsin
Location:1 mile west of Brule on US 2, then 1 mile south on Ranger Road.
Facilities:70 camp units, backpack campsites, picnic area, hiking trails (7 miles), nature trails, mountain bike trails (14 miles), snowmobile trails (26 miles), ski trails (16.5 miles), boat launch, shoreline.
Activities:Camping (including winter camping), boating, canoeing, whitewater rafting, fishing, hunting, archery, hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Forest encompasses the entire length of the Brule River, which drops 328 feet from its headwaters to the shore of Lake Superior.
Address:6250 S Ranger Rd
Brule, WI 54820

Size: 41,000 acres.

See other parks in Wisconsin.