Fort Totten State Historic Site

Fort Totten State Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / North Dakota
Location:Southeastern edge of the town of Fort Totten.
Facilities:Visitor center, modern restrooms, 17 original buildings housing interpretive center, museum, gift shop.
Activities:Tours (May 16-September 15; rest of year by appointment).
Special Features:Fort was established in 1867 as a frontier military outpost to policethe surrounding reservation and guard overland mail andtransportation routes. The post was decommissioned in 1890 and becamethe property of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1891, serving as anIndian Boarding School until 1940. After independent tribal governmentwas established, a community school operated in the buildings from 1940to 1959.
Address:PO Box 224
Fort Totten, ND 58335


See other parks in North Dakota.