Fort Tejon State Historic Park

Fort Tejon State Historic Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:70 miles north of Los Angeles on I-5, near the top of Grapevine Canyon.
Facilities:Visitor center/museum (é), exhibits (é), picnic areas (é), group campsites.
Activities:Guided and self-guided tours, living history demonstrations (monthly).
Special Features:Fort Tejon (1854-1864) was established by the U.S. Army to protect and control Native Americans living on the Sebastian Indian Reservation, and to protect both native and white settlers from raids by the Paiutes, Chemeheui, Mojave, and other Indian groups of the desert regions to the southeast. This post is one of the significant remaining links to the historic period of early European occupation of California. Park includes restored adobes from the original fort and museum exhibits on army life and local history.
Address:c/o Central Valley District Office
22708 Broadway St
Columbia, CA 95310

Size: 647 acres.

See other parks in California.