Fort Stevens State Park

Fort Stevens State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Oregon
Location:Off US 101, 10 miles west of Astoria.
Facilities:174 full hookup campsites, 302 electrical hookup campsites, 19 tent campsites, 15 yurts, hiker/biker camp, showers, restrooms (é), picnic area, picnic shelters, hiking trails, bike trail, bridle trail, beach access, boat ramp, wildlife observation platforms, interpretive exhibits, playgrounds, nature/visitor center, store, museum.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, windsurfing, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:From the Civil War to the end of World War II, Fort Stevens was the primary military defense installation of the three-fort Harbor Defense System at the mouth of the Columbia River. Related sites at the park today include a historic shipwreck and a historic military area.
Address:100 Peter Iredale Rd
Hammond, OR 97121

Size: 3,809 acres.

See other parks in Oregon.