Fort Stanwix National Monument

Fort Stanwix National Monument

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / National MonumentsAddress:112 E Park St
Rome, NY 13440

Size: 15.5 acres.
Established: Authorized on August 21, 1935; acquisition completed in 1973.
Location:In downtown Rome, New York, at the corner of North James St. and Erie Blvd. To get to Rome from the New York Thruway, take Exit 32 at Westmoreland to Rt. 233 north to Rt. 365 west, following the signs to downtown Rome.
Facilities:Rest rooms (é), visitor center (é), museum/exhibit. Entrance fee required.
Activities:Interpretive and living history programs.
Special Features:The American stand here in 1777 was a major factor in repulsing the British invasion from Canada. The fort was also the site of the treaty of Fort Stanwix with the Iroquois on November 5, 1768. The current fort is a complete reconstruction of the original, built in 1758.

See other parks in New York.