Faye, Hervé
Faye, Hervé
Born Oct. 1, 1814, in St.-Benoit-du-Sault; died July 4, 1902, in Paris. French astronomer. Member of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1847).
Faye studied until 1836 at the Ecole Polytechnique. Beginning in 1876, he was president of the Bureau of Longitudes in Paris. His works were devoted to the study of the physical structure of the sun, the nature of comets, and other subjects. In 1843 he discovered the periodic comet that now bears his name and calculated its orbit. Faye also worked on improving astronomical instruments and was one of the first to apply photography to the observation of stars.
Cours d’astronomie de l’Ecole polytechnique, vols. 1–2. Paris, 1881–83.“Une Nouvelle Théorie du soleil.” L’Astronomie, 1882, [vol.] 1, pp. 332–35.
Sur l’Origine du monde, théories cosmogoniques des anciens et des modernes, 4th ed. Paris, 1907.
“Taches et protubérances solaires.” L’Astronomie, 1888, [vol.] 7, pp. 89–93.