

单词 els



(ɛls) n (Biography) Ernie, full name Theodore Ernest Els. born 1969; South African golfer: won the British Open Championship (2002, 2012) and the US Open Championship (1994, 1997)
EncyclopediaSeeelMedicalSeeextensive limb swellingFinancialSeeEl


ELSEducation and Life Skills (various organizations)
ELSElsie (Amtrak station code; Elsie, OR)
ELSEncyclopedia of Life Sciences
ELSElectrical System
ELSEnglish Language School
ELSEducation, Learning and Skills
ELSEarly Life Support
ELSEmployé de Libre Service (French: Self Service Employee)
ELSEarly Literacy Station (digital learning solution)
ELSEditor in the Life Sciences (designation for certified medical/science editors)
ELSEarly Life Stress
ELSEquity Lifestyle Properties, Inc. (Chicago, IL)
ELSExperiential Learning Service (University of Ottawa; Canada)
ELSEmergency Lighting System
ELSEvangelical Lutheran Synod
ELSEnglish Language Services
ELSExtra Long Staple (cotton)
ELSElectron Spectrometer (earth observing system)
ELSEducational Longitudinal Study
ELSEmbedded Linux System (computing)
ELSExtreme Long Shot (cinematography)
ELSEntry Level System
ELSE-Learning Services (various organizations)
ELSEquidistant Letter Sequences
ELSEvent Log Service
ELSEasy Language Storage
ELSExpeditionary Learning School
ELSEquivalent Level of Safety
ELSEnglish and Liberal Studies (various schools)
ELSEffective Learning Service (UK)
ELSEconomic Lot Size (lean manufacturing)
ELSEasylink Services (various locations)
ELSEnvironment Life Sciences (various schools)
ELSEesti Loomakaitse Seltsi (Estonian: Animal Protection Society of Estonia)
ELSExtended Link Service
ELSEmergency Landing Site
ELSEast London, South Africa - Ben Shoeman (Airport Code)
ELSElementary Surveillance
ELSEntertainment Lighting Services (Sun Valley, CA)
ELSEducation Lottery Scholarship (North Carolina)
ELSEmergency Lighting Station (safety supply)
ELSEarth Landing System
ELSEmission-Line Star
ELSEnglish Language Scholarship (University of Queensland; Australia)
ELSElectronic Lodgement Service
ELSEquipment Leasing Services (various locations)
ELSEnergy Labelling Scheme
ELSEuropean Last Sale (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation)
ELSExtraterrestrial Living-Metal Shape-Shifter (fictional alien species)
ELSEntry Level Separation
ELSEvent Linked Securities (finance)
ELSExpositions Logistique Services (French transportation company)
ELSEuropean Lisp Symposium
ELSEastern Launch Site
ELSEmitter Location System
ELSEstate Law Specialist (program approved by American Bar Association)
ELSESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile) Launching System (US Navy)
ELSEnterprise Linux Services (IBM)
ELSEuro Link System
ELSElectrical Lean Switch
ELSExpertise Location Systems
ELSExperimental Licensing System (FCC)
ELSEscanaba & Lake Superior Railroad Company
ELSEarnings and Leave Statement
ELSEnvironmental Land Solutions
ELSEmotional Labor Scale
ELSElectric Limit Switch
ELSExtended Linguistic Service (Windows programming)
ELSEric Schmidt, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin (Google's top leadership trio)
ELSEmpirically Lossless Switch
ELSEasy Language Storage (file extension)
ELSEstate Liquidity Summary
ELSEmpty Lap Syndrome (parent wanting a(nother) child)
ELSEmitter Location Sensor
ELSExpeditionary Logistics Squadron (USAF)




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