Brudzinski sign

Brud·zin·ski sign

(brū-jin'skē), 1. in meningitis, on passive flexion of the leg on one side, a similar movement occurs in the opposite leg. Synonym(s): contralateral leg sign, contralateral reflex2. in meningitis, involuntary flexion of the knees and hips following flexion of the neck while supine. Synonym(s): neck sign

Brudzinski sign

A physical sign of meningitis, which is evoked by either passive flexion of one leg, resulting in a similar movement on the opposite side, or if the neck is passively flexed and flexion occurring in the legs.

Brudzinski sign

Neurology A physical sign of meningitis, which is evoked by either passive flexion of one leg resulting in a similar movement on the opposite side, or if the neck is passively flexed, flexion occurring in the legs

Brud·zin·ski sign

(brū-jin'skē sīn) 1. In meningitis, on passive flexion of the leg on one side, a similar movement occurs in the opposite leg. 2. In meningitis, involuntary flexion of the knees and hips following flexion of the neck while supine.


Josef von, Polish physician, 1874-1917. Brudzinski sign - neck or leg flexion tests for meningitis.