

单词 cef



Abbreviation for:
caudal epididymal fluid
chick embryo fibroblasts
Community Empowerment Fund (Medspeak-UK)
continuous enteral feeding
cyclophosphamide, epirubicin, 5-fluorouracil


CEFCAN (Controller Area Network) Extended Frame
CEFCaixa Economica Federal (Brazil)
CEFClosed End Fund
CEFCommon European Framework
CEFCanadian Expeditionary Force (WWI)
CEFCisco Express Forwarding
CEFComptoir Électrique Français (French: French Counter Electric; est. 1974)
CEFContinuing Education Fund
CEFCrystalline Electric Field (physics)
CEFCenter of Excellence in Finance (various organizations)
CEFCatholic Education Foundation (various locations)
CEFCentre pour les Etudes en France (French: Study in France Centre)
CEFCentre Éducatif Fermé (French: Closed Educational Center)
CEFCreative Education Foundation
CEFConstruction Employers Federation (UK and Ireland)
CEFChicken Embryo Fibroblasts
CEFCommittee for Education Funding
CEFComplementary Error Function
CEFCollins Einhorn Farrell PC (law firm; Southfield, MI)
CEFCentre for Economic Forecasting (London Business School; UK)
CEFCluster of Excellence Macromolecular Complexes (research center; Germany)
CEFConseil de l'Education et de la Formation (French: Board of Education and Training; Belgium)
CEFCanadian Equestrian Federation
CEFCommercial Equipment Finance (Albuquerque, NM)
CEFCommunity Empowerment Fund
CEFChild Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. (Christian missions organization)
CEFComptoir Européen de Fabriques (French: Counter European Factories; est. 1961)
CEFCommunity Education Forum (various locations)
CEFChristian Education Fellowship
CEFCitizenship Education Fund
CEFContigency Expeditionary Force (US DoD)
CEFCarbon Emission Factor
CEFChief Executive Forum
CEFCertified Electroplater-Finisher (certification program)
CEFCorps Expeditionaire Français (French: French Expeditionary Corps)
CEFCommon Executable Format (Microsoft)
CEFCable Entrance Facility
CEFComite Electrotechnique Francais
CEFCivil Engineer Flight (AFSPC)
CEFWestover Air Force Base (airport code, Chicopee Field)
CEFConsolidated Exchange Feed
CEFCentre Européen de Fret (French: European Center for Cargo; Mouguerre, France)
CEFCost Estimating Format (US FEMA)
CEFChina Expeditionary Force
CEFConcurrent Engineering Facility
CEFCollection Efficiency Function (microscope)
CEFCivil Engineering Flight
CEFCommunity Energy Fund
CEFColorado Energy Forum
CEFCivil Engineering Faculty
CEFComputing with Encrypted Function
CEFCritical Experiments Facility
CEFCentre d'Enseignement du Français (French: Center for Teaching French; various locations)
CEFCollin Equality Foundation (Collin County Gay and Lesbian Alliance; Texas)
CEFChannel Estimation Filter
CEFCivil Engineering File
CEFCentre d'Essai Ferroviaire (French: Railway Test Center)
CEFComité des Écoliers Francophones (Fench: Committee of Francophone School Children; Belgium)
CEFConventional and Experimental Facilities
CEFCommon Exchange Format
CEFCommon Equipment Facility
CEFChrist's Elite Fighters (gaming clan)
CEFCustomer Equipment Form
CEFControlled Exposure Facility
CEFCareer Executive Force
CEFCluster Enhanced Filter
CEFCaptain Escort Forces (US Navy)
CEFCentralized Environmental Facility
CEFCapabilities Exposure Function (Sprint)
CEFCentre Emploi Formation (French: Employment Training Center; Saint-Martin-de-Crau, France)
CEFComanche Era Fleet
CEFCertificat d'Etudes Françaises (French: Certificate of French Studies)
CEFCost Efficiency Factor
CEFCharacter Encoding Framework
CEFContent Encryption Function




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