enteral nutrition

enteral nutrition

Enteral feeding Critical care The provision of nutrients by catheter, NG tube or if needed for > 4 wks, by gastrostomy or jejunostomy, to a Pt who cannot ingest food–eg, due to an upper GI tract malignancy, but whose GI tract does not require complete 'rest' Pros Preserves GI architecture, prevents bacterial translocation from the colon, fewer complications than TPN, ↓ cost. See Cancer cachexia, Malnutrition.

en·ter·al nu·tri·tion

(en'tĕr-ăl nū-trish'ŭn) Alimentation provided by means of a tube into the stomach or intestine.

Enteral nutrition

Nourishment given through a tube or stoma directly into the small intestine, thus bypassing the upper digestive tract.Mentioned in: Electrolyte Supplements, Enterostomy, Necrotizing Enterocolitis