congestive splenomegaly


 [sple″no-meg´ah-le] enlargement of the spleen.congestive splenomegaly splenomegaly secondary to portal hypertension, with ascites, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and episodic hemorrhage from the intestinal tract. Called also Banti's disease.hemolytic splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen associated with hemolytic diseases of the blood.siderotic splenomegaly splenomegaly with deposit of iron and calcium.

con·ges·tive sple·no·meg·a·ly

enlargement of the spleen due to passive congestion; sometimes used as a synonym for Banti syndrome.

Banti syndrome

A condition characterised by splenomegaly due to obstruction of the portal, hepatic or splenic veins, resulting in portal hypertension, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, gastrointestinal bleeding, variable ascites and jaundice.

con·ges·tive sple·no·meg·a·ly

(kŏn-jes'tiv splē-nō-meg'ă-lē) Enlargement of the spleen due to passive congestion; sometimes used as a synonym for Banti syndrome.