Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge
Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge
Maybell, CO 81640
Established: 1963.
Location:On the Green River in the extreme northwestern corner of Colorado.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, campgrounds, viewing sites, trails, auto tour route (11 miles), fishing pier, historic features.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, fishing, hunting, bicycling, horseback riding, wildlife watching, hiking.
Special Features:Rich in cultural history, Brown's Park has been the site of human habitation since prehistoric times. The Fremont Indian culture lived in the valley around A.D. 600-1300. Fur trappers and traders established a thriving winter rendezvous site with the Shoshone in the 1830s. Evidence of the early settlers and Native Americans can be found throughout the Refuge. Three historical sites including Lodore Hall (which still serves as a community center) and several old abandoned cabins and homesteads attest to the rich history of the area.
Habitats: 12,150acres that include riparian, wetlands, grasslands, uplands.
Access: Unrestricted.
Wild life: Migratory Canada geese and ducks including mallards, redheads, teal, and canvasbacks. Bald eagles in winter and peregrine falcons and golden eagles in spring and summer. Also provides habitat for mule deer, antelope, chukar partridge, elk, and sage grouse.
See other parks in Colorado.