Crowley's Ridge Parkway - Arkansas

Crowley's Ridge Parkway - Arkansas

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Arkansas Delta Byways
PO Box 2050
State University, AR 72467

Web: Description:Route follows Crowley's Ridge, a series of rolling hills stretching north to south in the midst of the Arkansas delta. Areais abundant in wildlife and natural areas as the byway traverses theChalk Bluff Natural Area, five state parks, and the Saint FrancisNational Forest. Area also includes remnants of Native American cultureand Civil War history.
Legth: 212 miles, including a 198-mile section in Arkansas and a 14-mile section in Missouri. Start/Endpoint: The Arkansas section of the byway runs from Saint Francis (near the Arkansas-Missouri border) to Helena (near the Arkansas-Tennessee border). Time to Allow: 5 hours (Arkansas section) and 30 minutes (Missouri section) Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (1998).

See other parks in Arkansas.