

单词 ced



abbr. Committee for Economic Development



(Capacitance Electronic Disc) An earlier videodisc technology from RCA that was released in 1981 under the RCA SelectaVision brand. With more than a decade and a half of development, the CED was like an analog, vinyl phonograph record with spiral grooves. However, the grooves were much finer than vinyl records, and the stylus that tracked the grooves used a much smaller electrode.

CEDs had approximately 240 lines of resolution, similar to the resolution of half-inch VHS and Beta videotapes. However, by the mid-1980s, videotapes, especially VHS, were extremely popular and helped bring about the CED's demise in 1986. See LaserDisc and VHS.

An RCA Videodisc
RCA's VideoDiscs were similar to LaserDiscs in size, but like a high-resolution vinyl record in structure. When the caddy-like cover was inserted into the player and removed, the disc and spine remained inside. With 60 playback minutes per side, the award-winning, three-hour Godfather movie came on two CED discs, compared to the single Blu-ray disc shown on the left.
MedicalSeeCamurati-Engelmann disease


CEDCommunity Economic Development
CEDContinuing Education
CEDCommittee for Economic Development
CEDCouncil for Entrepreneurial Development (also seen as CEDNC)
CEDCollege of Environmental Design
CEDCanada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
CEDCenter for Economic Development
CEDCommunauté Européenne de Défense
CEDComunidade Europeia de Defesa (Portuguese: European Defense Community)
CEDClinical and Experimental Dermatology (journal; Wiley)
CEDCedar City (Amtrak station code; Cedar City, UT)
CEDChronisch Entzündliche Darmerkrankungen
CEDCommunications Engineering Department (various schools)
CEDCenter for Excellence in Disabilities
CEDCentro Elaborazione Dati (Italy)
CEDCommunications Engineering and Design
CEDCell Environment Description
CEDCatalog of Electronic Databases
CEDCaller Entered Digits
CEDChip Editor
CEDConsolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc.
CEDCentre for Educational Development
CEDCentre d'Estudis Demogràfics
CEDCentro de Educação (Brazil)
CEDCommunity, Environment and Development (various schools)
CEDChief Executive Department (UK)
CEDCooperative Education
CEDCentre for Environment and Development
CEDCivil Engineering Department (Hong Kong)
CEDCalgary Economic Development
CEDCambridge Electronic Design (UK)
CEDCentro de Educación a Distancia
CEDCentro de Estudios para el Desarrollo (Chile)
CEDCompensatory Education
CEDCouncil on Education of the Deaf
CEDCentro de Estudios Dirigidos (Guatemala)
CEDCounty Extension Director
CEDCentre for Community Enterprise (British Columbia, Canada)
CEDConducted Energy Device
CEDCommunity Education Development (various locations)
CEDCentre pour l'Environnement et le Développement (French: Center for Environment and Development; Cameroon)
CEDCustoms and Excise Department
CEDCommunity Education Division (various locations)
CEDCanal Éducatif à la Demande (French: Educational Channel on Demand)
CEDCapacitance Electronic Disc
CEDCamurati-Engelmann Disease
CEDCervical Endoscopic Discectomy
CEDCampaign for Economic Democracy
CEDCatalogue Européen des Déchets (French: European Waste Catalogue; EU)
CEDCenter for Environment and Development
CEDCorporation for Economic Development
CEDContinental European Division
CEDCaller-Entered Digits
CEDComplexo Esportivo de Deodoro (Brazilian sports complex)
CEDConcurrent Error Detection
CEDCovered Electronic Device (recycling)
CEDCenter for Engineering Diversity (University of Southern California)
CEDConseil Économique de la Défense (French: Economic Council of Defense)
CEDCitoyenneté-Environnement-Développement Durable (French: Citizenship-Environment-Sustainable Development)
CEDCenter for Entrepreneurial Development
CEDCentral European Distribution Corporation
CEDCentre for Education and Documentation
CEDCommunications, Engineering and Design (magazine)
CEDChristian Engineers in Development
CEDCentre d'Economie du Développement (French: Center for Development Economics; Montesquieu University-Bordeaux IV; Bordeaux, France)
CEDCentrum Experimentálního Divadla
CEDCalifornia Environmental Dialogue
CEDConselho Estadual de Desportos
CEDConstruction Equipment Distribution (magazine)
CEDCalled Station Identification
CEDConsumer Electronic Device
CEDChemical Exchange Directory
CEDCulture, Économie, Défense (French: Culture, Economy, Defense; est. 1997)
CEDContract Effective Date
CEDCabinet des Estampes et des Dessins
CEDCumulated Energy Demand
CEDCounselor Education Courses
CEDChaos Emperor Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game)
CEDCultural Entomology Digest
CEDCentrul Euroregional pentru Democratie (Timisoara, Romania)
CEDCenter for Educational Documentation
CEDContinuous Epileptogenic Discharges
CEDCentre Européen de Dermocosmétologie (European Center of Dermocosmetology)
CEDCommunications Engineering and Design Magazine
CEDCollège des Écoles Doctorales (French: College Graduate Schools; various locations)
CEDCentre for Executive Development (Australia)
CEDCyber End Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh card)
CEDCoastal Engineering Division
CEDComputer Education and Design
CEDDesarrollo Empresarial Colombiano
CEDCommunity Experience Development (Metaphor Studio, LLC)
CEDCompulsory Evacuation Device (Yu-Gi-Oh card)
CEDContingency Exercise Deployment
CEDConsolidated Energy Design, Inc.
CEDContinuous Error Detection
CEDCambodge Enfance Développement (French: Cambodia Childhood Development; Brie-Comte-Robert, France)
CEDCompte Épargne Direct (French: Direct Savings Account; finance)
CEDComunitat Europea de Defensa
CEDCenters for Educator Development
CEDComputing with Encrypted Data
CEDContract Expiration Date
CEDConstruction Equipment Department
CEDCentre pour Entreprises en Difficulté (French: Center for Companies in Trouble; Belgium)
CEDCenter for Esthetic Dentistry
CEDCompetitive Edge Dynamics Ltd.
CEDCentrum Edukacji Doroslych
CEDCycle des Études du Doctorat
CEDConcept Exploration and Definition
CEDCommodity Economics Division
CEDContemporary Executive Development
CEDCollecte électronique de données
CEDChronic Environmental Deficiencies
CEDCooperative Extension Division
CEDChesapeake Economic Development
CEDCompliance and Enforcement Division (various organizations)
CEDComptoir Européen Distribution (French: European Counter Distribution; Louviers, France)
CEDCERCLA Enforcement Division (US EPA)
CEDCounseling for Eating Disorders
CEDConway Earth Day (Conway, Arkansas)
CEDCONNECT Entrepreneur Development
CEDCréation Édition Diffusion (French: Creating Publishing Distribution)
CEDConcurrent Engineering Directorate
CEDCommunity Enterprise Doncaster (UK)
CEDCriminal Enforcement Division
CEDCaribéenne d'Etudes et de Développement (French: Caribbean Studies and Development; est. 2002)
CEDClinical and Expression Database
CEDConseil Européen des Détectives (European Council of Detectives)
CEDControl Element Drive
CEDCommitted to Equality Through Diversity
CEDCommunications-Electronics Doctrine
CEDChronic Dry Eye
CEDComponents Engineering Department (NASA)
CEDCommunications Engineering Division (AMSEC)
CEDCampus East Dorms (Liberty University)
CEDChristlichen Entwicklungdienst
CEDContinuing Engineering Development
CEDCentrale Edition Diffusion (French: Central Distribution Edition)
CEDChurch Education Department
CEDCaenorhabditis Elegans Death Genes (apoptosis)
CEDContinuing Education on Demand
CEDConvocatoria Extraordinaria de Desembre
CEDCommon European Defence
CEDCorporate Engineering Department
CEDControl Electronics Drawer
CEDCentres Expert Daitem
CEDCosmetic Effect of Distance/Darkness
CEDContinued Engineering Development (US Air Force)
CEDCapital Equipment Development




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