allied health professional


 [pro-fesh´un-al] pertaining to one's profession or who is a specialist in a particular field or occupation.allied health professional a person with special training, certification, and licensing with responsibilities bearing on patient care. See also allied health.impaired professional a professional who has gotten involved in abuse" >substance abuse.

al·lied health pro·fes·sion·al

(al'īd helth prō-fesh'ŏn-ăl), Someone trained to perform services in the care of patients other than a physician or registered nurse; includes a variety of therapy technicians (for example, pulmonary), radiology technicians, and physical therapists, among many other practitioners.

allied health professional

An umbrella term for professionals in the UK who are involved in the patient care pathway.
Examples Arts therapists, chiropodists, dieticians, occupational therapists, orthoptists, paramedics, physiotherapists, prosthetists and orthotists, psychologists, psychotherapists, radiographers, speech and language therapists.

al·lied health pro·fes·sion·al

(al'īd helth prŏ-fesh'ŭn-ăl) A person trained to provide patient services in specialties that include dental hygiene, clinical laboratory science, and physical therapy, among many others.

al·lied health pro·fes·sion·al

(al'īd helth prŏ-fesh'ŭn-ăl) Someone trained to perform services in the care of patients other than a physician or registered nurse; includes therapy technicians (e.g., pulmonary), dental technicians, and physical therapists.