

单词 duchenne dystrophy

Duchenne dystrophy

Duchenne dystrophy

(duːˈʃɛn) or

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

n (Pathology) the most common form of muscular dystrophy, usually affecting only boys. Abbreviation: DMD [named after Guillaume Duchenne (1806–75), French neurologist]

Duchenne dystrophy

Du·chenne dys·tro·phy

(dū-shen'), the most common childhood muscular dystrophy, with onset usually before age 6 years. Characterized by symmetric weakness and wasting of first the pelvic and crural muscles and then the pectoral and proximal upper extremity muscles; pseudohypertrophy of some muscles, especially the calf; heart involvement; sometimes mild mental retardation; progressive course and early death, usually in adolescence. X-linked inheritance (affects males and transmitted by females). Synonym(s): childhood muscular dystrophy, Duchenne disease, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy

Du·chenne dys·tro·phy

(dū-shen' dis'trŏ-fē) The most common childhood muscular dystrophy, with onset usually before age 6 years. Characterized by symmetric weakness and wasting of first the pelvic and crural muscles and then the pectoral and proximal upper extremity muscles; pseudohypertrophy of some muscles, especially the calf; heart involvement; sometimes mild mental retardation; progressive course and early death, usually in adolescence. X-linked inheritance (affects males and transmitted by females).


Guillaume B.A., French neurologist, 1806-1875. Aran-Duchenne disease - Synonym(s): Lou Gehrig diseaseAran-Duchenne dystrophy - Synonym(s): Lou Gehrig diseaseDuchenne-Aran disease - Synonym(s): Lou Gehrig diseaseDuchenne attitude - paralysis of trapezius resulting in shoulder lowering on external rotation.Duchenne disease - Synonym(s): (1) Duchenne dystrophy; - (2) progressive bulbar paralysisDuchenne dystrophy - the most common childhood muscular dystrophy, with onset usually before age 6. Synonym(s): childhood muscular dystrophy; Duchenne disease (1); Duchenne-Griesinger disease; pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophyDuchenne-Erb paralysis - Synonym(s): Erb palsyDuchenne-Erb syndrome - Synonym(s): Erb palsyDuchenne-Griesinger disease - Synonym(s): Duchenne dystrophyDuchenne paralysis - brachial birth palsy in which there is paralysis of upper arm and shoulder girdle muscles due to lesion of upper trunk of brachial plexus or roots of fifth and sixth cervical roots.Duchenne sign - falling in of the epigastrium during inspiration in paralysis of the diaphragm.Duchenne syndrome - subacute or chronic anterior spinal paralysis combined with multiple neuritis.Erb-Duchenne paralysis - Synonym(s): Erb palsy




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