congenital syphilis

con·gen·i·tal syph·i·lis

syphilis acquired by the fetus in utero, thus present at birth. Synonym(s): hereditary syphilis, syphilis hereditaria

congenital syphilis

Congenital lues, fetal syphilis Neonatology Transplacental infection with Treponema pallidum Clinical Early–hepatomegaly, irritability, FTT, fever, perioral and genital rash–condyloma lata, nasal discharge or snuffles and saddle nose; late–Hutchinson's teeth, saber shins, neurologic impairment, deafness, blindness Lab ↑ liver enzymes, anemia, monocytosis Diagnosis Serologic tests performed at birth may be negative. See Syphilis.

con·gen·i·tal syph·i·lis

(kŏn-jen'i-tăl sif'i-lis) Syphilis acquired by the fetus in utero, thus present at birth.

congenital syphilis

SYPHILIS acquired by the fetus from the mother during pregnancy and present at birth. Congenital syphilis may feature severe early skin rashes, often occurring in the first 10 weeks of life, bone and cartilage defects, liver and kidney disturbances, damage to the corneas (interstitial keratitis), deafness, peg teeth, saddle-shaped nose and scars at the angles of the mouth. Treatment is with penicillin.

con·gen·i·tal syph·i·lis

(kŏn-jen'i-tăl sif'i-lis) Syphilis acquired by the fetus in utero, thus present at birth.