congenital malformation

congenital malformation

Congenital defect A heterogenous group of structural defects, which are usually identified at birth Major CMs, US PDA, hypospadias, clubfoot, ventricular septal defect, hydrocephalus, Down syndrome, hip dislocation, valve stenosis and/or atresia, pulmonary artery stenosis, microcephalus, cleft lip ± cleft palate, spina bifida, rectal atresia and stenosis, polydactyly, supernumerary nipples, branchial clefts, abdominal wall defects

Patient discussion about congenital malformation

Q. Is it a birth defect in children? I know about the causes of autism. Is it a birth defect in children?A. it's not an easy answer i'm afraid...there are congenital differences, but no "birth defect" that we can detect. there's a good pdf file that gives a full explanation about it...i think you'll find it useful:

More discussions about congenital malformation