

单词 congenital anomaly

congenital anomaly

congenital anomaly

n. See birth defect.
Noun1.congenital anomaly - a defect that is present at birthcongenital anomaly - a defect that is present at birth birth defect, congenital abnormality, congenital defect, congenital disorderablepharia - a congenital absence of eyelids (partial or complete)albinism - the congenital absence of pigmentation in the eyes and skin and hairanencephalia, anencephaly - a defect in brain development resulting in small or missing brain hemispheresametria - congenital absence of the uteruscolor blindness, color vision deficiency, colour blindness, colour vision deficiency - genetic inability to distinguish differences in hueepispadias - a congenital abnormality in males in which the urethra is on the upper surface of the penisclinocephalism, clinocephaly - a congenital defect in which the top of the head is depressed (concave instead of convex)clinodactyly - a congenital defect in which one or more toes or fingers are abnormally positionedmacroglossia - a congenital disorder characterized by an abnormally large tongue; often seen in cases of Down's syndromeDown syndrome, Down's syndrome, mongolianism, mongolism, trisomy 21 - a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome; results in a flat face and short stature and mental retardationacrocephaly, oxycephaly - a congenital abnormality of the skull; the top of the skull assumes a cone shapecheiloschisis, cleft lip, harelip - a congenital cleft in the middle of the upper lipcleft palate - a congenital fissure of the hard palatedefect - an imperfection in a bodily system; "visual defects"; "this device permits detection of defects in the lungs"amelia - congenital absence of an arm or legmeromelia - congenital absence of part of an arm or legencephalocele - protrusion of brain tissue through a congenital fissure in the skullmeningocele - a congenital anomaly of the central nervous system in which a sac protruding from the brain or the spinal meninges contains cerebrospinal fluid (but no nerve tissue)myelomeningocele - a congenital defect of the central nervous system in which a sac containing part of the spinal cord and its meninges protrude through a gap in the vertebral column; frequently accompanied by hydrocephalus and mental retardationplagiocephaly - congenital malformation of the skull in which the main axis of the skull is obliquepolysomy - congenital defect of having one or more extra chromosomes in somatic cellshermaphrodism, hermaphroditism - congenital condition in which external genitalia and internal sex organs have both male and female characteristicspseudohermaphroditism - congenital condition in which a person has external genitalia of one sex and internal sex organs of the other sexscaphocephaly - congenital malformation of the skull which is long and narrow; frequently accompanied by mental retardationcongenital heart defect - a birth defect involving the heartrachischisis, schistorrhachis, spina bifida - a not uncommon congenital defect in which a vertebra is malformed; unless several vertebrae are affected or there is myelomeningocele there are few symptoms; can be diagnosed by amniocentesisspinocerebellar disorder - any of several congenital disorders marked by degeneration of the cerebellum and spinal cord resulting in spasticity and ataxiahyperdactyly, polydactyly - birth defect characterized by the presence of more than the normal number of fingers or toessyndactylism, syndactyly - birth defect in which there is partial or total webbing connecting two or more fingers or toesankyloglossia, tongue tie - a congenital anomaly in which the mucous membrane under the tongue is too short limiting the mobility of the tongueanomalousness, anomaly - deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule

congenital anomaly

congenital anomaly

[kən′jen·əd·əl ə′näm·ə·lē] (medicine) A structural or functional abnormality of the human body that develops before birth. Also known as birth defect.

congenital anomaly


 [ah-nom´ah-le] marked deviation from normal. adj., adj anom´alous.Axenfeld's anomaly a developmental anomaly characterized by a circular opacity of the posterior peripheral cornea, and caused by an irregularly thickened, axially displaced Schwalbe's ring.congenital anomaly (developmental anomaly) absence, deformity, or excess of body parts as the result of faulty development of the embryo.Ebstein's anomaly see ebstein's anomaly.May-Hegglin anomaly a rare dominantly inherited disorder of blood cell morphology, characterized by RNA-containing cytoplasmic inclusions (similar to Döhle bodies) in granulocytes, by large, poorly granulated platelets, and by thrombocytopenia.

congenital anomaly

n. See birth defect.

con·gen·i·tal a·nom·a·ly

(kŏn-jen'i-tăl ă-nom'ă-lē) A structural abnormality present at birth.
See also: birth defect

congenital anomaly

Any abnormality present at birth.

Patient discussion about congenital anomaly

Q. Is it a birth defect in children? I know about the causes of autism. Is it a birth defect in children?A. it's not an easy answer i'm afraid...there are congenital differences, but no "birth defect" that we can detect. there's a good pdf file that gives a full explanation about it...i think you'll find it useful:

More discussions about congenital anomaly

congenital anomaly

  • noun

Synonyms for congenital anomaly

noun a defect that is present at birth


  • birth defect
  • congenital abnormality
  • congenital defect
  • congenital disorder

Related Words

  • ablepharia
  • albinism
  • anencephalia
  • anencephaly
  • ametria
  • color blindness
  • color vision deficiency
  • colour blindness
  • colour vision deficiency
  • epispadias
  • clinocephalism
  • clinocephaly
  • clinodactyly
  • macroglossia
  • Down syndrome
  • Down's syndrome
  • mongolianism
  • mongolism
  • trisomy 21
  • acrocephaly
  • oxycephaly
  • cheiloschisis
  • cleft lip
  • harelip
  • cleft palate
  • defect
  • amelia
  • meromelia
  • encephalocele
  • meningocele
  • myelomeningocele
  • plagiocephaly
  • polysomy
  • hermaphrodism
  • hermaphroditism
  • pseudohermaphroditism
  • scaphocephaly
  • congenital heart defect
  • rachischisis
  • schistorrhachis
  • spina bifida
  • spinocerebellar disorder
  • hyperdactyly
  • polydactyly
  • syndactylism
  • syndactyly
  • ankyloglossia
  • tongue tie
  • anomalousness
  • anomaly




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