Brougham, Henry Peter
Brougham, Henry Peter

Henry Peter Brougham, also known as Baron Brougham and Vaux, achieved prominence as a lawyer and statesman.
Brougham was born September 18, 1778, in Edinburgh, Scotland. In 1802, Brougham was instrumental in the creation of the publication the Edinburgh Review. He subsequently relocated to London and was admitted to the English bar in 1808. He became a member of Parliament in 1810, where he voiced his opposition to Slavery and trade restrictions.
"Although the people must be the source of their own improvement, they may be aided in their efforts to instruct themselves."
—Henry Brougham
Brougham gained fame in 1820 as chief attorney for Queen Caroline, also known as Caroline of Brunswick. Caroline had married George, Prince of Wales, in 1795, and after giving birth to a daughter, they separated, and Caroline lived alone. In 1806, she was accused of giving birth to an illegitimate child, but was found innocent by an inquiry commission. George became king in 1820, and Caroline demanded her place as his queen. Caroline was sued for Divorce on grounds of Adultery, and the case was taken to the House of Lords; Brougham served as her attorney, and the charges were eventually dropped.
A leader in the field of educational reform, Brougham participated in the establishment of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge in 1825, and of the University of London in 1828.
From 1830 to 1834, Brougham served as Lord Chancellor and drafted numerous legal reforms and helped to institute the central criminal court. He died May 7, 1868, in Cannes, France.