

单词 even


e·ven 1

E0249200 (ē′vən)adj.1. a. Having a horizontal surface; flat: an even floor.b. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations; smooth. See Synonyms at level.c. Being in the same plane or line; parallel: The picture is even with the window.2. a. Having no variations or fluctuations; uniform: the even rhythm of his breathing.b. Of uniform distribution: an even application of varnish.c. Placid; calm: an even temperament.3. a. Equal or identical in degree, extent, or amount: Use even amounts of butter and sugar.b. Equally matched or balanced: an even fight.c. Just; fair: an even bargain.d. Having nothing due on either side; square: If we each take half, then we'll be even.e. Having exacted full revenge: He finally got even with his betrayer.4. Having equal probability; as likely as not: an even chance of winning.5. Sports a. Having an equal score: The teams are even at halftime.b. Being equal for each opponent. Used of a score.6. Mathematics a. Exactly divisible by 2.b. Characterized or indicated by a number exactly divisible by 2.7. a. Having an even number in a sequence.b. Having an even number of members.8. Having an exact amount, extent, or number; precise: an even pound; an even foot.adv.1. a. To a greater degree or extent. Used as an intensive with comparative adjectives and adverbs: This painting is good, but that one is even better.b. Indeed; moreover. Used as an intensive: He was happy, even ecstatic. Even a child knows better.c. Used as an intensive to indicate something that is unexpected: declined even to consider the idea.2. At the same time as; already; just: Even as we watched, the turtle emerged from its shell.3. To a degree that extends; fully: loyal even unto death.4. Exactly; precisely: It was even as he said: the jewel was gone.tr. & intr.v. e·vened, e·ven·ing, e·vens To make or become even.Idiom: on an even keel In a stable or unimpaired state: "There was good reason to keep relations with Washington on an even keel" (Helen Kitchen).
[Middle English, from Old English efen.]
e′ven·er n.e′ven·ly adv.e′ven·ness n.

e·ven 2

E0249200 (ē′vən)n. Archaic Evening.
[Middle English, from Old English ǣfen.]


(ˈiːvən) adj1. level and regular; flat: an even surface. 2. (foll by: with) on the same level or in the same plane (as): one surface even with another. 3. without variation or fluctuation; regular; constant: an even rate of progress. 4. not readily moved or excited; placid; calm: an even temper. 5. equally balanced between two sides: an even game. 6. equal or identical in number, quantity, etc: two even spoonfuls of sugar. 7. (Mathematics) a. (of a number) divisible by twob. characterized or indicated by such a number: maps are on the even pages. Compare odd48. relating to or denoting two or either of two alternatives, events, etc, that have an equal probability: an even chance of missing or catching a train. 9. having no balance of debt; neither owing nor being owed10. just and impartial; fair: an even division. 11. exact in number, amount, or extent: an even pound. 12. equal, as in score; level: now the teams are even. 13. (Mathematics) maths (of a function) unchanged in value when the sign of the independent variable is changed, as in y = z2. See odd814. (Gambling, except Cards) even money a. a bet in which the winnings are the same as the amount stakedb. (as modifier): the even-money favourite. 15. get even informal to exact revenge (on); settle accounts (with)16. of even date law formal or obsolete of the same or today's dateadv17. (intensifier; used to suggest that the content of a statement is unexpected or paradoxical): even an idiot can do that. 18. (intensifier; used with comparative forms): this is even better. 19. notwithstanding; in spite of: even having started late she soon caught him up. 20. used to introduce a more precise version of a word, phrase, or statement: he is base, even depraved. 21. used preceding a clause of supposition or hypothesis to emphasize the implication that whether or not the condition in it is fulfilled, the statement in the main clause remains valid: even if she died he wouldn't care. 22. archaic that is to say; namely (used for emphasis): he, even he, hath spoken these things. 23. archaic all the way; fully: I love thee even unto death. 24. even as (conjunction) at the very same moment or in the very same way that: even as I spoke, it thundered. 25. even so in spite of any assertion to the contrary: neverthelessvbto make or become even[Old English efen; related to Old Norse jafn even, equal, Gothic ibns, Old High German eban] ˈevener n ˈevenly adv ˈevenness n


(ˈiːvən) n an archaic word for eve, evening[Old English ǣfen; related to Old Frisian ēvend, Old High German āband]


(ˈi vən)

adj. 1. level; flat; without surface irregularities; smooth: an even road. 2. on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: even with the ground. 3. free from variations or fluctuations; uniform; regular: constant: even motion; an even color. 4. equal in measure or quantity: even amounts of oil and vinegar. 5. divisible by two, as a number (opposed to odd). 6. denoted by such a number: the even pages of a book. 7. exactly expressible in integers, or in tens, hundreds, etc., without fractional parts: an even seven miles. 8. (of a function) having a sign that remains the same when the sign of each independent variable is changed at the same time. 9. equally balanced or divided; equal: The scales are even. 10. leaving no balance of debt on either side; square. 11. calm; placid; not easily excited or angered: an even temper. 12. equitable, impartial, or fair: an even bargain. adv. 13. evenly: The road ran even over the fields. 14. still; yet (used to emphasize a comparative): even more suitable. 15. (used to suggest that some possibility constitutes an extreme case or an unlikely instance): Even the slightest noise disturbs him. Even if she comes, she may not stay. 16. just (used to emphasize occurrence, coincidence, or simultaneousness of occurrences): Even as help was coming, the troops surrendered. 17. fully or quite: even to death. 18. indeed (used as an intensive for stressing the identity or truth of something): He is willing, even eager, to do it. 19. exactly or precisely: It was even so. v.t. 20. to make even; level; smooth. 21. to place in an even state as to claim or obligation; balance (often fol. by up): to even up accounts. v.i. 22. to become even: The odds evened before the race. Idioms: 1. break even, to have one's profits equal one's losses; neither gain nor lose. 2. get even, to be revenged; retaliate. [before 900; Middle English; Old English efen] e′ven•er, n. e′ven•ly, adv. e′ven•ness, n.


(ˈi vən)

n. Archaic. evening; eve. [before 950; Middle English; Old English ǣfen]


(ē′vən) Divisible by 2 with a remainder of 0, such as 12 or 876.


1. position

You use even to show that what you are saying is surprising. You put even in front of the surprising part of your statement.

Even Anthony enjoyed it.She liked him even when she was arguing with him.I shall give the details to no one, not even to you.

However, even usually goes after an auxiliary verb or modal, not in front of it.

You didn't even enjoy it very much.I couldn't even see the shore.They may even give you a lift in their van.
2. used with comparatives

You use even in front of a comparative to emphasize that someone or something has more of a quality than they had before. For example, you say 'The weather was bad yesterday, but it is even worse today'.

He became even more suspicious of me.

You also use even in front of a comparative to emphasize that someone or something has more of a quality than someone or something else. For example, you say 'The train is slow, but the bus is even slower'.

Barbara had something even worse to tell me.The second task was even more difficult.
3. 'even if' and 'even though'

Even if and even though are used to introduce subordinate clauses. You use even if to say that a possible situation would not prevent something from being true.

Even if you disagree with her, she's worth listening to.I hope I can come back, even if it's only for a few weeks.

Even though has a similar meaning to 'although', but is more emphatic.

He went to work even though he was unwell.I was always afraid of him, even though he was kind to me.

Be Careful!
If you begin a sentence with even if or even though, don't put 'yet' or 'but' at the beginning of the main clause. Don't say, for example, 'Even if you disagree with her, yet she's worth listening to'.

Be Careful!
However, you can use still in the main clause. This is a very common use.

Even though the news is six months old, staff are still in shock.But even if they do change the system, they still face an economic crisis.


Past participle: evened
Gerund: evening
I even
you even
he/she/it evens
we even
you even
they even
I evened
you evened
he/she/it evened
we evened
you evened
they evened
Present Continuous
I am evening
you are evening
he/she/it is evening
we are evening
you are evening
they are evening
Present Perfect
I have evened
you have evened
he/she/it has evened
we have evened
you have evened
they have evened
Past Continuous
I was evening
you were evening
he/she/it was evening
we were evening
you were evening
they were evening
Past Perfect
I had evened
you had evened
he/she/it had evened
we had evened
you had evened
they had evened
I will even
you will even
he/she/it will even
we will even
you will even
they will even
Future Perfect
I will have evened
you will have evened
he/she/it will have evened
we will have evened
you will have evened
they will have evened
Future Continuous
I will be evening
you will be evening
he/she/it will be evening
we will be evening
you will be evening
they will be evening
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been evening
you have been evening
he/she/it has been evening
we have been evening
you have been evening
they have been evening
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been evening
you will have been evening
he/she/it will have been evening
we will have been evening
you will have been evening
they will have been evening
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been evening
you had been evening
he/she/it had been evening
we had been evening
you had been evening
they had been evening
I would even
you would even
he/she/it would even
we would even
you would even
they would even
Past Conditional
I would have evened
you would have evened
he/she/it would have evened
we would have evened
you would have evened
they would have evened
Noun1.even - the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall)even - the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall); "he enjoyed the evening light across the lake"evening, eventide, evedaylight, daytime, day - the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside; "the dawn turned night into day"; "it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime"guest night - an evening when members of a club or college can bring their friends as guestssundown, sunset - the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizoncrepuscle, crepuscule, dusk, evenfall, gloam, gloaming, nightfall, twilight, fall - the time of day immediately following sunset; "he loved the twilight"; "they finished before the fall of night"
Verb1.even - make level or straight; "level the ground"even out, level, flushchange surface - undergo or cause to undergo a change in the surfacegrade - level to the right gradientstrickle, strike - smooth with a strickle; "strickle the grain in the measure"strickle - level off with a strickle in a measuring container; "strickle sand"
2.even - become even or more even; "even out the surface"even outalter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"
3.even - make even or more eveneven outregularise, regularize - make regular or more regular; "regularize the heart beat with a pace maker"counterbalance, even off, even out, even up, compensate, correct, make up - adjust for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"
Adj.1.even - divisible by twoodd, uneven - not divisible by two
2.even - equal in degree or extent or amounteven - equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced; "even amounts of butter and sugar"; "on even terms"; "it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split"; "had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance"; "an even fight"fifty-fiftyequal - having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law"
3.even - being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with); "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window"smooth - having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities; "smooth skin"; "a smooth tabletop"; "smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a mirror"steady - not subject to change or variation especially in behavior; "a steady beat"; "a steady job"; "a steady breeze"; "a steady increase"; "a good steady ballplayer"uneven - not even or uniform as e.g. in shape or texture; "an uneven color"; "uneven ground"; "uneven margins"; "wood with an uneven grain"
4.even - symmetrically arranged; "even features"; "regular features"; "a regular polygon"regularsymmetric, symmetrical - having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts
5.even - occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing"regularsteady - not subject to change or variation especially in behavior; "a steady beat"; "a steady job"; "a steady breeze"; "a steady increase"; "a good steady ballplayer"
6.even - of the score in a contest; "the score is tied"level, tiedequal - having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law"
Adv.1.even - used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected; "even an idiot knows that"; "declined even to consider the idea"; "I don't have even a dollar!"
2.even - in spite of; notwithstanding; "even when he is sick, he works"; "even with his head start she caught up with him"
3.even - to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons; "looked sick and felt even worse"; "an even (or still) more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved"; "a yet sadder tale"still, yet
4.even - to the full extent; "loyal even unto death"


adverb1. despite, in spite of, disregarding, notwithstanding, in spite of the fact that, regardless of the fact that He kept calling me, even though he was married.2. all the more, much, still, yet, to a greater extent, to a greater degree Stan was speaking even more slowly than usual.3. so much as, at all He wasn't even listening to me.4. indeed, actually, or rather, in truth, in point of fact revelations which will make us uncomfortable, angry, even ashamedadjective1. regular, stable, constant, steady, smooth, uniform, unbroken, uninterrupted, unwavering, unvarying, metrical It is important to have an even temperature when you work.
regular changing, broken, variable, irregular, uneven, fluctuating, changeable
2. level, straight, flat, plane, smooth, true, steady, uniform, parallel, flush, horizontal, plumb The tables are fitted with a glass top to provide an even surface.
level rough, twisting, curving, uneven, bumpy, undulating, awry, wavy, asymmetrical
3. equal, like, the same, matching, similar, uniform, parallel, identical, comparable, commensurate, coequal Divide the dough into 12 even pieces.
equal irregular, uneven, unequal, disproportionate
4. equally matched, level, tied, drawn, on a par, neck and neck, fifty-fifty (informal), equalized, all square, equally balanced It was an even game.
equally matched imbalanced, ill-matched
5. square, quits, on the same level, on an equal footing You don't owe me anything now. We're even.6. calm, stable, steady, composed, peaceful, serene, cool, tranquil, well-balanced, placid, undisturbed, unruffled, imperturbable, equable, even-tempered, unexcitable, equanimous Normally Rose had an even temper; she was rarely irritable.
calm emotional, unpredictable, agitated, excitable, changeable, quick-tempered
7. fair, just, balanced, equitable, impartial, disinterested, unbiased, dispassionate, fair and square, unprejudiced We all have an even chance of winning.
fair unfair, prejudiced, biased, partial, unequal, unbalancedeven as while, just as, whilst, at the time that, at the same time as, exactly as, during the time that Even as she said this, she knew it was not quite true.even so nevertheless, still, however, yet, despite that, in spite of (that), nonetheless, all the same, notwithstanding that, be that as it may The bus was half empty. Even so, he came and sat next to me.
even something out make or become level, align, level, square, smooth, steady, flatten, stabilize, balance out, regularize Rates of house price inflation have evened out between the North and South of the country.even something up equalize, match, balance, equal These missiles would help to even up the balance of power.even the score pay (someone) back, repay, get even (informal), reciprocate, equalize, requite, get your own back, settle the score, take vengeance, take an eye for an eye, give tit for tat, return like for like If one partner has an extramarital affair, the other may want to even the score.get even (Informal) pay back, repay, reciprocate, even the score, requite, get your own back, settle the score, take vengeance, take an eye for an eye, be revenged or revenge yourself, give tit for tat, pay (someone) back in their own coin, return like for like I'm going to get even if it's the last thing I do.

even 1

adjective1. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations:flat, flush, level, planar, plane, smooth, straight.2. On the same plane or line:flush, level.3. Having no change or variation:changeless, constant, equable, invariable, invariant, regular, same, steady, unchanging, uniform, unvarying.4. Not easily excited, even under pressure:calm, collected, composed, cool, cool-headed, detached, even-tempered, imperturbable, nonchalant, possessed, unflappable, unruffled.5. Agreeing exactly in value, quantity, or effect:equal, equivalent, identical, same, tantamount.Idioms: on a par, one and the same.6. Just to all parties:equal, equitable, evenhanded, fair.7. Owing or being owed nothing:quit, quits, square.8. Neither favorable or unfavorable:balanced, fifty-fifty.9. Being an exact amount or number:exact.Idiom: on the nose.adverb1. To a more extreme degree:still, yet.2. Not just this but also:indeed.Idiom: not to mention.3. In an exact manner:exactly, just, precisely.verb1. To make even, smooth, or level:flat, flatten, level, plane, smooth, straighten.2. To make equal:equalize, equate, level, square.

even 2

nounArchaic. The period between afternoon and nighttime:dusk, eve, evening, eventide, gloaming, nightfall, twilight.Archaic: vesper.


(iːvən) adjective1. level; the same in height, amount etc. Are the table-legs even?; an even temperature. 同樣的 同样的2. smooth. Make the path more even. 平坦的 平坦的3. regular. He has a strong, even pulse. 有規律的 有规律的4. divisible by 2 with no remainder. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc are even numbers. 偶數的 偶数的5. equal (in number, amount etc). The teams have scored one goal each and so they are even now. 相等的 相等的6. (of temperament etc) calm. She has a very even temper. 平和的 平静的 verbpast tense, past participle ˈevened1. to make equal. Smith's goal evened the score. 使相等 使相等2. to make smooth or level. 把...弄平坦 把...弄平坦ˈevenly adverb 均一地,平坦地,有規律地,相等地,平和地 均匀地,平滑地,有规律地,相等地,平和地 ˈevenness noun 平衡;平穩 平衡,平稳 be/get even with to be revenged on. He tricked me, but I'll get even with him. 與...扯平,報復 向某人报复an even chancechanceeven out1. to become level or regular. The road rose steeply and then evened out; His pulse began to even out. 變得平坦;變得有規律 变得平坦,变得有规律 2. to make smooth. He raked the soil to even it out. 使平坦 使平坦3. to make equal. If Jane would do some of Mary's typing, that would even the work out. 使相等 使相等even up to make equal. John did better in the maths exam than Jim and that evened up their marks. 使相等 使相等


(iːvən) adverb1. used to point out something unexpected in what one is saying. `Have you finished yet?' `No, I haven't even started.'; Even the winner got no prize. 甚至 甚至2. yet; still. My boots were dirty, but his were even dirtier. 更加 even if no matter whether. Even if I leave now, I'll be too late. 即使 即使...也even so in spite of that. It rained, but even so we enjoyed the day. 儘管如此 即使如此even though in spite of the fact that. I like the job even though it's badly paid. 儘管, 雖然 尽管


一致的zhCN, 双数的zhCN, 甚至zhCN



(with someone) not being indebted to someone for money; no longer needing to retaliate against someone. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) I will get even with you for breaking my baseball bat! Jimmy got even with Bill by punching him in the nose.
  • (even) a worm will turn
  • (even) the best of friends must part
  • all the more reason for
  • an even break
  • as we speak
  • as we speak, (even)
  • be even
  • be even (with someone)
  • be/get even with somebody
  • break even
  • call it even
  • can't even
  • don't even go there
  • Don't even look like
  • don't even look like (something)
  • Don't even think about it
  • don't get mad, get even
  • even
  • even a blind pig can find an acorn once in a while
  • Even a worm will turn
  • even as
  • even better
  • even break
  • even Homer (sometimes) nods
  • even if it kills me
  • even if only
  • even if/though
  • even in the best of times
  • even keel
  • even money
  • even now
  • even now/then
  • even out
  • even so
  • even Stephens
  • even Steven
  • even stevens
  • even the score
  • even then
  • even though
  • even up
  • even/much/still less
  • evened out
  • even-Steven
  • get an even break
  • get even
  • get even with
  • give (one) an even break
  • give someone an even break
  • have an even chance
  • have an even chance of (doing something)
  • honours are even
  • I can't even
  • keep on an even keel
  • land so poor it wouldn't even raise a fuss
  • land so poor you couldn't raise a fuss on it
  • never give a sucker an even break
  • never give a sucker an even chance
  • not (even) go there
  • on an even keel
  • with honours even
  • without (even) batting an eye
  • without (even) batting an eyelash
  • without (even) blinking an eye



1. a. (of a number) divisible by two b. characterized or indicated by such a number 2. Maths (of a function) unchanged in value when the sign of the independent variable is changed, as in y = z2 3. even moneya. a bet in which the winnings are the same as the amount staked b. (as modifier): the even-money favourite



(also Lamut), the language of the Evens (Lamut). According to the 1970 census, Even is spoken by approximately 7,000 people along the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk and in neighboring regions. Together with Evenki and Negidal, it belongs to the northern group of the Manchu-Tungus languages. It has three dialect groups: eastern, western, and central. The eastern group includes the Ola dialect, on which the literary language is based.

Even is an agglutinative language in which grammatical relationships are expressed by the addition of suffixes to word stems. The Ola dialect distinguishes 18 consonants and up to 20 vowel phonemes, including ia and ie (phonemes that incorporate a glide whose articulation resembles that of the phoneme’s primary, syllabic, element). Even exhibits palatal and labial vowel harmony. There are 13 nominal (noun) cases and a ramified system of possessive forms, which express personal, reflexive, and alienable possession.

Verbs are classified by conjugational features as verbs of action, verbs of state, and inchoative verbs. There are more than 15 aspects and six voices of the verb, as well as six participial forms, eight forms of adverbial participles, and negative and interrogative verbs. The attribute precedes the modified word and agrees with it in number and case. The vocabulary of the western dialects shows the influence of Yakut and Yukaghir, and the dialects of Kamchatka have undergone the influence of Koriak; Russian words began entering the Even language in the 17th century.

A Latin writing system was devised in 1931 and was used until 1936, when a Cyrillic alphabet was introduced.


Tsintsius, V. I. Ocherk grammatiki evenskogo (lamutskogo) iazyka, part 1. Leningrad, 1947.
Tsintsius, V. I., and L. D. Rishes. Russko-evenskii slovar’ (s prilozheniem grammaticheskogo ocherka). Moscow, 1952.
Benzing, J. Lamutische Grammatik mit Bibliographie, Sprachproben und Glossar. Wiesbaden, 1955.



EVENEugene Veg Education Network (Eugene, OR)
EVENEuropean Virtual Engineering Network


  • all
  • adv
  • adj
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for even

adv despite


  • despite
  • in spite of
  • disregarding
  • notwithstanding
  • in spite of the fact that
  • regardless of the fact that

adv all the more


  • all the more
  • much
  • still
  • yet
  • to a greater extent
  • to a greater degree

adv so much as


  • so much as
  • at all

adv indeed


  • indeed
  • actually
  • or rather
  • in truth
  • in point of fact

adj regular


  • regular
  • stable
  • constant
  • steady
  • smooth
  • uniform
  • unbroken
  • uninterrupted
  • unwavering
  • unvarying
  • metrical


  • changing
  • broken
  • variable
  • irregular
  • uneven
  • fluctuating
  • changeable

adj level


  • level
  • straight
  • flat
  • plane
  • smooth
  • true
  • steady
  • uniform
  • parallel
  • flush
  • horizontal
  • plumb


  • rough
  • twisting
  • curving
  • uneven
  • bumpy
  • undulating
  • awry
  • wavy
  • asymmetrical

adj equal


  • equal
  • like
  • the same
  • matching
  • similar
  • uniform
  • parallel
  • identical
  • comparable
  • commensurate
  • coequal


  • irregular
  • uneven
  • unequal
  • disproportionate

adj equally matched


  • equally matched
  • level
  • tied
  • drawn
  • on a par
  • neck and neck
  • fifty-fifty
  • equalized
  • all square
  • equally balanced


  • imbalanced
  • ill-matched

adj square


  • square
  • quits
  • on the same level
  • on an equal footing

adj calm


  • calm
  • stable
  • steady
  • composed
  • peaceful
  • serene
  • cool
  • tranquil
  • well-balanced
  • placid
  • undisturbed
  • unruffled
  • imperturbable
  • equable
  • even-tempered
  • unexcitable
  • equanimous


  • emotional
  • unpredictable
  • agitated
  • excitable
  • changeable
  • quick-tempered

adj fair


  • fair
  • just
  • balanced
  • equitable
  • impartial
  • disinterested
  • unbiased
  • dispassionate
  • fair and square
  • unprejudiced


  • unfair
  • prejudiced
  • biased
  • partial
  • unequal
  • unbalanced

phrase even as


  • while
  • just as
  • whilst
  • at the time that
  • at the same time as
  • exactly as
  • during the time that

phrase even so


  • nevertheless
  • still
  • however
  • yet
  • despite that
  • in spite of (that)
  • nonetheless
  • all the same
  • notwithstanding that
  • be that as it may

phrase even something out


  • make or become level
  • align
  • level
  • square
  • smooth
  • steady
  • flatten
  • stabilize
  • balance out
  • regularize

phrase even something up


  • equalize
  • match
  • balance
  • equal

phrase even the score


  • pay (someone) back
  • repay
  • get even
  • reciprocate
  • equalize
  • requite
  • get your own back
  • settle the score
  • take vengeance
  • take an eye for an eye
  • give tit for tat
  • return like for like

phrase get even


  • pay back
  • repay
  • reciprocate
  • even the score
  • requite
  • get your own back
  • settle the score
  • take vengeance
  • take an eye for an eye
  • be revenged or revenge yourself
  • give tit for tat
  • pay (someone) back in their own coin
  • return like for like

Synonyms for even

adj having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations


  • flat
  • flush
  • level
  • planar
  • plane
  • smooth
  • straight

adj on the same plane or line


  • flush
  • level

adj having no change or variation


  • changeless
  • constant
  • equable
  • invariable
  • invariant
  • regular
  • same
  • steady
  • unchanging
  • uniform
  • unvarying

adj not easily excited, even under pressure


  • calm
  • collected
  • composed
  • cool
  • cool-headed
  • detached
  • even-tempered
  • imperturbable
  • nonchalant
  • possessed
  • unflappable
  • unruffled

adj agreeing exactly in value, quantity, or effect


  • equal
  • equivalent
  • identical
  • same
  • tantamount

adj just to all parties


  • equal
  • equitable
  • evenhanded
  • fair

adj owing or being owed nothing


  • quit
  • quits
  • square

adj neither favorable or unfavorable


  • balanced
  • fifty-fifty

adj being an exact amount or number


  • exact

adv to a more extreme degree


  • still
  • yet

adv not just this but also


  • indeed

adv in an exact manner


  • exactly
  • just
  • precisely

verb to make even, smooth, or level


  • flat
  • flatten
  • level
  • plane
  • smooth
  • straighten

verb to make equal


  • equalize
  • equate
  • level
  • square

noun the period between afternoon and nighttime


  • dusk
  • eve
  • evening
  • eventide
  • gloaming
  • nightfall
  • twilight
  • vesper

Synonyms for even

noun the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall)


  • evening
  • eventide
  • eve

Related Words

  • daylight
  • daytime
  • day
  • guest night
  • sundown
  • sunset
  • crepuscle
  • crepuscule
  • dusk
  • evenfall
  • gloam
  • gloaming
  • nightfall
  • twilight
  • fall

verb make level or straight


  • even out
  • level
  • flush

Related Words

  • change surface
  • grade
  • strickle
  • strike

verb become even or more even


  • even out

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify

verb make even or more even


  • even out

Related Words

  • regularise
  • regularize
  • counterbalance
  • even off
  • even out
  • even up
  • compensate
  • correct
  • make up

adj divisible by two


  • odd
  • uneven

adj equal in degree or extent or amount


  • fifty-fifty

Related Words

  • equal

adj being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture

Related Words

  • smooth
  • steady


  • uneven

adj symmetrically arranged


  • regular

Related Words

  • symmetric
  • symmetrical

adj occurring at fixed intervals


  • regular

Related Words

  • steady

adj of the score in a contest


  • level
  • tied

Related Words

  • equal

adv to a greater degree or extent


  • still
  • yet




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