

单词 cdt



abbr. Central Daylight Time


abbreviation for 1. (Physical Geography) US and Canadian Central Daylight Time 2. (Education) Craft, Design, and Technology: a subject on the GCSE syllabus, related to the National Curriculum in England, Wales, and N Ireland


carbohydrate-deficient transferrin



A serum protein used as a clinical marker of occult alcohol abuse. Frequent heavy use of alcohol depletes transferrin of carbohydrate moieties that are normally attached to it.


Abbreviation for Current Dental Terminology.


CDTCentral Daylight Time (GMT-0500)
CDTCommunity Drugs Team (UK)
CDTCurrent Dental Terminology
CDTContinental Divide Trail
CDTChina Digital Times
CDTCommunity Development Trust (various organizations)
CDTCraft Design Technology (school)
CDTCarbohydrate Deficient Transferrin
CDTCentre for Doctoral Training (UK)
CDTCenter for Democracy and Technology
CDTComité Départemental de Tourisme (French: Departmental Committee of Tourism)
CDTCertified Dental Technician
CDTClinical Dental Technician (various locations)
CDTComplete Decongestive Therapy (lymphedema management)
CDTCatheter Directed Thrombolysis (blod clot)
CDTClostridium Difficile Toxin (bacteria)
CDTCurrent Date and Time (Wikimedia Foundation)
CDTContemporary Dance Theatre (various locations)
CDTCorel Draw Template
CDTCommon Rail Diesel Turbo
CDTCambridge Display Technology
CDTColor Display Tube
CDTCd Text
CDTClean Diesel Technologies
CDTCommunity Development Team
CDTCentral Daylight Time
CDTCharacter Definition Table
CDTCarrier Definition Table
CDTCarbon Design Tuning
CDTC++ Development Tools
CDTCanadian Diamond Traders
CDTC/C++ Development Toolkit (IBM)
CDTComprehensive Drug Testing
CDTCount Down Time
CDTCustomer Development Team
CDTCompressor Discharge Temperature
CDTCountdown Time (NASA)
CDTConstruction Documents Technology
CDTCliff Drysdale Tennis (various locations)
CDTComptoir des Tuileries (French currency exchange bureau)
CDTCastillo de Teayo (Mexico)
CDTCountdown Demonstration Test (NASA)
CDTClass Descriptor Table
CDTConfédération Démocratique du Travail (French: Democratic Confederation of Labor, Morocco)
CDTCorning Display Technologies (various locations)
CDTCollaborative Development Team
CDTCentre de Développement des Transports (French: Transport Development Center; Canada)
CDTCable Design Technologies Corporation (also seen as CDTC; Schaumburg, IL)
CDTControl Display Terminal
CDTClient Development Tool (Intel)
CDTCompulsory Drug Testing (UK armed forces)
CDTCortical Dysplasia of Taylor
CDTCapability Development Team (US Air Force)
CDTCommercial Desktop (computer)
CDTCertificado de Depósito a Término (Spanish)
CDTContent Delivery Template (GovStat Project)
CDTCalifornia Desert Tortoise
CDTCenter for Democratic Transition (Montenegro)
CDTMoseley Community Development Trust (UK; also seen as MCDT)
CDTConstrained Delaunay Triangulations
CDTCompliance, Direction, Takedown (non-deadly force training)
CDTCadaveres de Tortugas (band)
CDTCell Delay Tolerance (ATMF)
CDTCorps Diplomatique Terrestrienne (Retief book series by Keith Laumer)
CDTCambridge Display Technology Limited
CDTCertified Densitometry Technologist (bone density)
CDTControlled Departure Time
CDTCall Data Transmitter
CDTControl Data Terminal
CDTConforming Delaunay Triangulation
CDTCenter For Defense Trade
CDTConcrete Data Type
CDTConfiguration Data Table
CDTCommand Descriptor Table (NASA)
CDTChalk Dust Torture (Phish song)
CDTComputer Directed Training
CDTChargeable Down Time
CDTCuvee de Tomme (Pizza Port/Lost Abbey Beer, San Marcos, CA)
CDTComplexity Distortion Theory
CDTControl and Defensive Tactics
CDTCourier Disaster Response Team (San Francisco, CA)
CDTCompressed Data Tape
CDTCompletely Decomposed Tuff
CDTChange Detection Tool
CDTCommissioner's Disability Table
CDTCathode Ray Display Terminal
CDTConventional Defense Technology
CDTCustomer Documentation Tree
CDTCommon Data Translator
CDTCopperstate Dinner Theater (Arizona)
CDTCapabilities Description Tables
CDTClock Doesn't Tick
CDTCommon Data Transistor
CDTCASS Development Team
CDTCumulative Downtime
CDTCatalog Data Technologist
CDTChemical Deposition Technique
CDTContinuity Detector Tone (Sprint)
CDTContractor Demonstration Test
CDTCSCI Development Team
CDTCross-Domain Transport
CDTConcept Development Talks
CDTConsecutive Duty Tour
ThesaurusSeeCentral Time




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