

单词 cds



abbr. credit-default swap


abbreviation for credit default swap
  • Can I make CDs at this computer? → 这台电脑上能刻录光盘吗?



See Centre de Données Astronomiques.


Concrete Data Structure


(Commercial Data Servers, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA) A former manufacturer of entry-level, IBM-compatible mainframes that were designed to replace surviving 43xx and 9370 machines. It was founded in 1994 by Gene Amdahl, Bill O'Connell and Ray Williams. CDS was expected to produce a high-end mainframe using cryogenic techniques, but cancelled the project. It also stopped production of its mainframes in late 1999 and turned the company into Xbridge Systems to focus on mainframe connectivity software from desktop PCs. See Xbridge, Trilogy and Amdahl.



(konn-droy-tinn) chondroitin,

chondroitin polysulfate

(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name)


Therapeutic: nonopioid analgesics
OsteoarthritisIschemic heart diseaseHyperlipidemiaOsteoporosis Ophthalmic: In combination with sodium hyaluronate, for use as a surgical aid in cataract extraction or lens implantation, and as a lubricant


May serve as a building block of articular cartilage. May protect cartilage against degradation. May have antiatherogenic properties.

Therapeutic effects

Improvement in osteoarthritis symptoms.


Absorption: 8–18% is absorbed orally.Distribution: Unknown.Metabolism and Excretion: Unknown.Half-life: Unknown.

Time/action profile



Contraindicated in: Obstetric: Pregnancy and lactation.Use Cautiously in: Asthma (may exacerbate symptoms); Clotting disorders (may ↑ risk of bleeding); Prostate cancer (may ↑ risk of metastasis or recurrence).

Adverse Reactions/Side Effects


  • heartburn
  • nausea
  • diarrhea


  • bleeding (antiplatelet effect)


  • allergic reactions
  • edema
  • hair loss


Use of chondroitin with anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, thrombolytics, NSAIDs, some cephalosporins, and valproates may ↑ risk of bleeding.Herbs with anticoagulant or antiplatelet properties may ↑ bleeding risk when combined with chondroitin, including: anise, arnica, chamomile, clove, dong quai, fenugreek, feverfew, ginger, ginkgo, Panax ginseng, licorice, and others.Oral (Adults) Osteoarthritis—200–400 mg 2–3 times daily or 1000–1200 mg once daily. Prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction—10 grams daily in 3 divided doses for 3 mo followed by 1.5 grams daily in 3 divided doses as maintenance therapy.Intramuscular (Adults) Osteoarthritis—50 mg twice weekly for 8 weeks every 4 mo.


Tablets: OTCCapsules: OTCInjection (not available in US): Ophthalmic Drops Rx in combination with sodium hyaluronate (Viscoat):

Nursing implications

Nursing assessment

  • Evaluate drug profile before starting therapy with this herbal supplement. If the patient is taking anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs, avoid use of this herb.
  • Monitor pain (type, location and intensity) and range of motion on an ongoing basis as an indicator of drug efficacy.
  • Evaluate gastric discomfort and instruct patient to seek out the advice of a health care professional if persistent gastric discomfort occurs.
  • Assess for signs of bleeding and discontinue herbal supplement promptly and seek out healthcare professional for follow up.

Potential Nursing Diagnoses

Chronic pain (Indications)
Impaired physical mobility (Indications)


  • Administer with food.

Patient/Family Teaching

  • Advise patients that this herbal supplement is usually taken with glucosamine.
  • Caution patients who take aspirin or NSAIDs or other nonprescription medications not to take this herbal supplement without conferring with their health care professional.
  • Advise female patients to notify health care professional if pregnancy is planned or suspected or if breastfeeding; avoid use.
  • Instruct patients that this medication works by building up cartilage and that this requires that the medication be taken consistently over a period of time. It is not recommended as a supplemental pain medication.

Evaluation/Desired Outcomes

  • Improvement in pain and range of motion.
  • Reduced need for supplemental or breakthrough pain medication.


Abbreviation for:
Carroll Depression scales
chemical (drug) delivery system
clonidine displacing substance
coding sequence
Commissioning Data Set, see there (Medspeak-UK)
community dental service (Medspeak-UK)
compliance data system
contract data set (Medspeak-UK)
controlled drug substance, see there


Controlled Drug Substance, see there.






See:Credit Default Swap.

Certificate of Deposit

A deposit at a bank or other financial institution that has a fixed return (usually via an interest rate) and a set maturity. The depositor does not have access to the funds in a certificate of deposit until maturity; in exchange, he/she is usually entitled to a higher interest rate. CDs are insured by the FDIC up to a certain amount and as such are a way to increase return for no extra risk. See also: Demand deposit, Real estate certificate of deposit, Negotiable certificate of deposit.


CDSCredit-Default Swap (investing)
CDSCAD (Computer-Aided Design) Design Software
CDSCirque du Soleil
CDSCERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Document Server
CDSCentre for Development Studies
CDSCell Directory Service
CDSCriminal Defence Service (UK)
CDSControlled Dangerous Substance
CDSCenter for Documentary Studies
CDSCity Development Strategy
CDSClinical Decision Support
CDSChild Development Services
CDSContent Delivery System
CDSCártel de Sinaloa (Spanish: Sinaloa Cartel; Mexico)
CDSChief of Defence Staff (Canada)
CDSCosta del Sol
CDSConnected Dominating Set
CDSCercle Des Sciences (French: Circle Of Sciences; Belgium)
CDSCoding Sequences
CDSCommunity Development Society
CDSChild Development Study (various organizations)
CDSCul-De-Sac (Canada Post road designation)
CDSCadence Design Systems (various locations)
CDSCopernic Desktop Search (software)
CDSCommunicable Disease Surveillance (World Health Organization)
CDSCenter for Developmental Services (Greenville, SC)
CDSCadmium Sulfide
CDSCarol Duvall Show (TV show)
CDSContent Distribution Service (various organizations)
CDSCompressed Data Storage
CDSChromatography Data System
CDSCentral Depository System
CDSCollegiate Design Series (SAE International)
CDSChicago Dental Society
CDSComités de Defensa Sandinista (Spanish: Sandinista Defense Committees, Nicaragua)
CDSClinical Diagnostic Services (various locations)
CDSClearing and Depository Services, Inc. (Canada)
CDSCentral Distribution System (San Francisco, CA)
CDSCommander Destroyer Squadron (US Navy)
CDSCentre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg (France)
CDSCertified Document Services (software)
CDSConsumer Debt Solutions (various companies)
CDSCentro Democrático y Social (Spanish Political Party)
CDSCoronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (SOHO instrument)
CDSCrossplatform Data Sharing
CDSCompare Double and Swap
CDSControl Dynamic Stability
CDSCommissioning Data Set
CDSComputer Data Storage
CDSComprehensive Display System
CDSClear Display
CDSCarrier Detect Signal
CDSCorrelated Double Sampler
CDSContent Development Server
CDSConcurrent Disk System
CDSCompact Discs
CDSContent Delivery Systems
CDSCompatible Duplex System
CDSComputerized Documentation System
CDSClass Definition Statement
CDSCarrollwood Day School (Tampa, FL)
CDSConcurrent Data Store (software; Oracle)
CDSCorrelated Double Sampling
CDSCommercial Data Systems (Honolulu, HI)
CDSCatch Documentation Scheme (fishing)
CDSClinton Derangement Syndrome (politics)
CDSCharter Day School (various locations)
CDSCrashworthiness Data System
CDSCD Solutions, Inc. (Pleasant Hills, Ohio)
CDSClient Data System
CDSComprehensive Data Set (Canada)
CDSCenter for Digital Storytelling (Berkeley, CA)
CDSCenter for Disability Studies (various institutions)
CDSCompact Disc Single
CDSCommunicable Disease Service (various organizations)
CDSCanal Digitaal Satelliet (Dutch: Canal Digital Satellite)
CDSCenter for Dispute Settlement (various locations)
CDSCharles Darwin Station (Galapagos Islands, Ecuador)
CDSCurrent Weekly Status (employment)
CDSCommission on Sustainable Development (United Nations)
CDSCentre for Deaf Studies (UK)
CDSControl Data Corporation
CDSCross Domain Solutions (net centric applications)
CDSContainer Delivery System (cargo aircraft aerial delivery system)
CDSCommunity Dental Service
CDSCorporate Development Services (various companies)
CDSCountry Dance and Song
CDSConference of Drama Schools (UK)
CDSCelera Discovery System (biological software)
CDSCombat Direction System
CDSChild Development Specialist
CDSCircular Date Stamp (stamp cancel mark)
CDSChild-Directed Speech
CDSConsensus Draft Services (sports)
CDSCentre des Démocrates Sociaux (French: Center for Social Democrats; political party)
CDSCombat Defense Squadron (US Air Force)
CDSCinema Digital Sound
CDSCarroll Depression Scales
CDSCommunications Data Services Inc (Des Moines, IA)
CDSClient Detection System (gaming software)
CDSConférence Suisse des Directrices et Directeurs Cantonaux de la Santé (French: Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Health; Switzerland)
CDSCurrent Directory Structure
CDSConvention Démocratique et Sociale (French: Democratic and Social Convention)
CDSContinuing and Distance Studies (Queen's University; Canada)
CDSClinical Documentation Specialist
CDSControl Display System
CDSCuckfield Dramatic Society (UK)
CDSContent Directory Service (UPnP standard service)
CDSCarolina Donor Services
CDSCentre de Documentation en Santé
CDSCore Data Sheet
CDSCubic Defense Systems
CDSClass Data Sharing
CDSCourse Delivery System
CDSConceptual Design Study
CDSCentral Database Server
CDSCable Distribution System
CDSCommunication Disorders & Sciences
CDSCargo Delivery System
CDSChenega Decision Sciences, LLC
CDSChemical Dependency Specialist
CDSComputerized Delivery Sequence (USPS)
CDSCompliance Data System
CDSCorporate Defence Solutions (UK)
CDSControlled Drug Substance
CDSCasing Drive System (oil drilling; Tesco Corporation)
CDSCenter for Dielectric Studies (Pennsylvania State University)
CDSCentral Data Systems
CDSClock Distribution System
CDSCivil Defense Simultest
CDSCentralized Data System
CDSCompanion Data Services, LLC
CDSCivil Defense System
CDSChange Detection Software
CDSChesterfield Day School (Missouri)
CDSControl Data System
CDSCommand Destruct System
CDSChildhood Development Services, Inc.
CDSComputer Development Systems
CDSCongress Data System
CDSCombat Development System
CDSCincom Document Solutions (Cincinnati, OH)
CDSCommission Départementale des Sites (French: County Sites Commission)
CDSCast Deployment System (Disney)
CDSCCSDS Day Segmented
CDSCommand Data Set
CDSCompact Digital Switch
CDSConstant Delivery System
CDSConcept Definition Study
CDSCommitment Developement Schedule (various organizations)
CDSContraband Detection System
CDSCollaborative Development System
CDSCRIF Decision Solutions
CDSCore Data Services
CDSCommand-Driven System
CDSCyber Defense Systems, Inc
CDSCivil Direction of Shipping
CDSCryptographic Device Services
CDSCertification Data Sheet
CDSCombat Data System
CDSComponent Data Sheet
CDScommand document start
CDSComprehensive Discrepancy System
CDSCombined Defense Services (defense services examination; India)
CDSCircuit Data Services
CDSCommercial Driver Services, Inc (Tacoma, WA)
CDSCanadian Depository Securities
CDSCentre de Développement du Soudage (French: Welding Development Center)
CDSCyclic Difference Set
CDSCorollary Discharge Signal (Vision & Eye)
CDSChemical Defense System (US DHS)
CDSClassification Data System
CDSCatalog Distribution Service
CDSCommand Disable System (USAF reference to nuclear weapons)
CDSChurch Development Services
CDSCloseout Door System (NASA)
CDSConcord Data Systems
CDSCoal Distribution Submodule (NEMS, CMM)
CDSConstraint Directed Search
CDSCockpit Design System
CDSCharged Droplet Scrubber
CDSCollision Detector System (NASA)
CDSCentral Data Subsystems (NASA)
CDSCrashworthy Data System
CDSControl Dependence Subgraph
CDSCommunications Deception Unit
CDSCenter for Dependable Systems
CDSComponent Disassembly Station
CDSCeremonial Drill School (US Marine Corps)
CDSCongressional Descriptive Summary
CDSClaim Data Server (insurance)
CDSCommand Disable Schedule
CDSCockpit Development Station
CDSChamber of Destination of Ships
CDSCapability Design Specifications
CDSCongressional Data Sheet
CDSChemical Decontamination System
CDSCoronal Density Spectrometer
CDSCatalogue of Data Services
CDSCollaborative Debugging Session
CDSCentralized Demilitarization Site (Defense Reutilization & Marketing Office)
CDSCondensate Demineraliztion Subsystem
CDSCommission Départementale de Sécurité (French: Departmental Safety Committee)
CDSCombat Development Support
CDSClock Distribution Subsystem
CDSCollected Delivery System
CDSCorporate Development System
CDSCertified Diversity Strategist (human resources certification)
CDSCorps and Division Scenario
ThesaurusSeecompact disc




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