CDQCoke Dry Quenching (method)
CDQCommunity Development Quota
CDQCompact Disc Quick
CDQConvert Doubleword to Quadword
CDQCustomer Data Quality
CDQConseil de Quartier (French: Council District)
CDQCareer Development Quarterly (National Career Development Association)
CDQCommunication Design Quarterly (publication)
CDQConvert Doubleword to Quadword (Win32 assembly)
CDQCorporate Data Quality
CDQClient Diagnostic Questionnaire (Mental Health Screening Tool)
CDQCompact Disc Quality
CDQCerium Doped Quartz
CDQChebyshev Differential Quadrature
CDQCahiers Quebecois de Demographie (French)
CDQCostume Designers' Guild (cinema)
CDQCoût Délai Qualité (French: Cost Time Quality)